Course: Physiotherapy II

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Course title Physiotherapy II
Course code KF/FZ25
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Tichá Kateřina, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Buchtelová Eva, PhDr. Ph.D.
  • Charvátová Alena, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture topics: 1. Physiological mechanisms which are involved in physiotherapy. 2. Stress adaptation specifics of a patient with ICHS. 3. Physiotherapy of a patient with ICHS. 4. Physiotherapy in cardiac surgery. 5. Physiotherapy for the patients with metabolic syndrome (obesity, diabetes mellitus). 6. Physiotherapy in rheumatology (Mb. Bechtěrev, rheumatoid arthritis). 7. Physiotherapy for osteoporosis. 8. Physiotherapy in oncology. 9. Physiotherapy in geriatrics (seniors physical activity, sarcopenia) Seminar topics: 1. Klapp Climbing I. 2. Klapp Climbing II. 3. Klapp's climbing III. 4. Method of L. Mojžíšová - examination and therapy of rib mobilization according to L. Mojžíšová 5. Method of L. Mojžíšová - examination and therapy of Lp, Thp, C / Thp and pelvis according to L. Mojžíšová 6. Method of L. Mojžíšová - functional chaining of muscle spasms 7. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation - basic facilitation mechanisms 8. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation - 1st diagonal. HK, scoop 9. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation - 2nd diagonal HK 10. Repetition

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The course is conceived as theoretically - practical, it is a basic branch subject. It introduces students to pathogenesis of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, to the methodologies used in rehabilitation and to physiotherapeutic procedures in individual clinical subjects. Student will apply the knowledge and the skills gained in professional practice. The aim is to use the knowledge of individual processes and methodologies in clinical fields.
Subject knowledge: Student can describe physiologic mechanisms which are used in physiotherapy, specifics of stress adaptation of a patient with ICHS. Student can describe the essence and chronology in individual steps of physiotherapeutic processes in indicated areas of internal medicine, rheumatology and oncology. Subject Skills: Student is able to implement short- term and long- term plan in stated indicator areas, can investigate and treat disorders of the locomotor system using the basic elements of spiral dynamic, Brügger's Concept, mobilization techniques, ball facilitation and sensor-motor stimulation.
Required achieved subjects Physiotherapy I.

Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation in seminars - 80% Demonstration of acquired practical skills for all teachers Oral exam from FZ15 and FZ25. PREREQUISITE FOR SUBJECT KF/ FZ45.
Recommended literature
  • BECHYNĚ, M., BECHYŇOVÁ, R. Mízní otok - lymfedém, komplexní terapie. Praha: Phlebomedika, 320 s. ISBN 80-9012981-1.. ISBN 80-9012981-1.
  • DOBEŠ, M., MICHKOVÁ, M. Učební text k základnímu kursu diagnostiky a terapie funkčních poruch pohybového aparátu (měkké, mobilizační techniky). 1.vyd. Havířov: Domiga, 72s . ISBN 80-962222-1-8. 1997.
  • GÚTH, A. Vyšetřovacie a léčebné metodiky pre fyziotera peutov.2.vyd. Bratislava:LIEČREH, 442 s. ISBN 80-88932-02-5. 1998.
  • GÚTH, A. Vyšetřovacie a léčebné metodiky pre fyziotera peutov.2.vyd. Bratislava:LIEČREH, 442 s. ISBN 80-88932-02-5. 1998..
  • JANDA,V. Základy funkčních neparetických hybných poruch.1.vyd. BRNO: ÚDVZP, 139 s. 57 -855 -84:. 1984.
  • JANDA,V. Základy kliniky funkčních hybných poruch. 1. vyd. Brno: IDVPZ, 1984. 139 s..
  • JEBAVÁ, Z. Míčkování. Praha: Adonis, 38 s.. 1993.
  • KOLÁŘ, P. et al. Rehabilitace v klinické praxi. Praha: Galén, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7262-657-1.. Praha: Galén, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7262-657-1.
  • KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Fyzioterapie.1.vyd. Jinočany: H+H, 428 s. ISBN 80-86022-45-5. 1999.
  • KOPECKÝ, J. et al. Rehabilitace po operaci prsu. Ostrava: Zdravotně sociální fakulta, 2003. 2003. ISBN 80-7042-322-6.
  • LEWIT, K. Manipulační léčba v rámci léčebné rehabilitace,1.vyd. Praha: Nadas, 200-250s.. 1990.
  • PAVLŮ, D. Speciální fyzioterapeutické koncepty a metody.1. vyd. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2002.239 s. ISBN 80-7204-266-1.
  • RAŠEV, E. Škola zad. DIREKTA, 1992..
  • ROCK C.-M.,KRUEGER,S.P.-překlad PAVLŮ,D. Agisticko-excentrické kontrakční postupy k ovlivnění funkčních poruch pohybového systému.Zurich:Dr.Brugger-Institut.2000 142s.. 2000. ISBN 3-905407-01-9.
  • RYCHLÍKOVÁ, E. Funkční poruchy kloubů končetin.Praha:Grada Avicenum.2002. 2002. ISBN 80-247-0237-1.
  • RYCHLÍKOVÁ, E. Poruchy funkce kloubů končetin a jejich terapie.1.vyd.Triton, ISBN 80-85875-01-2. 1994.
  • Tichý, M. Dysfunkce kloubu II.1.vyd.Praha:Miroslav Tichý,2006.123s. 2006. ISBN 80-239-7742-3.
  • Tichý, M. Dysfunkce kloubu I.1.vyd.Praha:Miroslav Tichý,2005.119.s.. 2005. ISBN 80-239-55-23-3.
  • TRÁVNÍČKOVÁ - KITTLEROVÁ, O., HRADIL,V., VACEK, J. Rehabilitace pacientů s onkologickou diagnózou. Praha:Triton, 2004. 87 s. ISBN 80-7254-485-3..
  • VÉLE, F. Kineziologie. Praha: Triton, 2006. ISBN 80-7254-837-1.
  • VORLÍČEK, J. Praktická onkologie vybrané kapitoly.1.vyd. Praha:Grada Publishing,2000.339s..

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester