Seminar Topics: 1. consultation: The principle of responsibility in the relation to the professional performance. Ethical aspects of the medical profession. Ethical codes and conditions for its acceptance. Patient's rights and their role in the humanization of medicine. Bioethics issues. Ethical problems of assisted reproduction. Ethical problems in geriatrics and palliative care. The quality of life and human dignity, euthanasia and assisted suicide. Genetic technology: cloning, stem cells, embryonic research, question of genetic testing. Ethical questions of organs transplants. Medical research and it's regulation. Ethical problems of new technologies implementation: artificial organs. Ethical problems related to alternative medicine, advertising, financial resources allocation in the medical field. Self-Study: 1. Ancient ethical medical documents. 2. The history of medical ethics in Bohemia. 3. The problems of ideal and available medicine. 4. Ethical codes (non-medical health care professions).
Úmluva o lidských právech a biomedicíně. Ministerstvo zdravotnictví ČR, Praha 2000..
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MUNZAROVÁ, M. a kol. Proc NE eutanázii, aneb Být, ci nebýt. V kostelním Vydří:Karmelitánské vydavatelství,2008. 87s.ISBN 978-80-7195-258-9.
MUNZAROVÁ, M. Vybrané kapitoly z lékařské etiky I. 1.vyd. Brno:LFMU,2002.75s.. 2002. ISBN 80-210-3917-8.
MUNZAROVÁ, M. Vybrané kapitoly z lékařské etiky II. 1.vyd. Brno:LFMU,2000.67s.. ISBN 80-210-2416-X.
MUNZAROVÁ, M. Vybrané kapitoly z lékařské etikyIII.1.vyd.Brno:LFMU,2000.56s.. 2000. ISBN 80-210-2417-8.
MUNZAROVÁ, M. Vybrané kapitoly z lékařské etikyIV.1.vyd. Brno:LFMU,2000.65s.. 2000. ISBN 80-210-2499-2.
MUNZAROVÁ, M. Zdravotnická etika od A do Z. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2005, 156 s.. 2005. ISBN 80-247-1024-2.
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