This course is based on purely individual approach and comes out of individual students' needs, in accordance with their focus on a particular theme of their Bachelor's work in the given field. During the two semesters, the student intensively consults the practical part of their Bachelor's work as well as its written defence with the Studio leaders, and starting from the initial seminars, in which the basic principles for creating a Bachelor's work are defined, they develop their work concurrently in cooperation with leaders of the Bachelor's work seminar I and II. Thus, they realize their themes throughout the academic year step by step up to the resulting stage to be presented as part of the final state examinations. Besides consultations of implementation of the Bachelor's work and its written defence, the student is recommended professional literature related to the topic of the Bachelor's work, as well as names of theoreticians, curators or artists who might give them further inspiring consultations, study material and information on the theme. The course is focused on correct and timely completing final Bachelor's work with a primary emphasis on the practical output, however, with a parallel plan for development of theoretical work.
The gained capabilities constitute an encompassment and an aquirement of knowledge and experience in the given field of study, they result from a concrete annotation of the subject and are aimed at a profile´s fulfilment of the graduate of the given field of study.
BAUDRILLARD, Jean. Dokonalý zločin. Periplum, 2001.
Bauman, Zygmunt. Tekutá modernita. Mladá fronta, Praha 2002. (str. 31-64).
Bourriaud, N. PostProduction. Tranzit Praha, 2004. ISBN 80-903452-0-4.
BRIGHT, Susan. Art Photography Now. Thames & Hudson, London, 2005.
CÍSAŘ, Karel. (ed.). Co je to fotografie?. Hermann & synové, Praha, 2004.
Cotton, Charlotte. The Photographs as Contemporary Art. Thames and Hudson, 2004.
Dvořák, T. a kol. Temporalita (nových) médií. NAMU, Praha, 2016.
Flusser, V. Do univerza technických obrazů. OSVU, 2001.
Fukuyama Francis. Konec dějin a poslední člověk. Praha, 2002.
Green, Rachel. Internet Art. Thames and Hudson, 2004.
Mc Luhan, M. Člověk, média a elektronická kultura, Jota, 2000 Praha. Brno, 2000.
Paul, Ch. Digital Art. Thame& Hudson, London, 2003.
RUSH, M. New Media in Art. Londýn, Thames & Hudson, 2005.
RUSH, M. Video Art. Londýn, Thames & Hudson, 2003.
Sturken, Marita a Cartwright, Lisa. Studia vizuální kultury. Praha: Portál, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7367-55-1.