1. Contents of biochemistry - stages of evolution, characteristics of alive matter, constitution of alive systems 2. Common pathways of biochemical metabolism základnách - catabolism and anabolism, citrate ( Krebs) cycle, glycolytic pathways 3. Bioenergetics - macroergic substrates , ATP, respiration chain, oxygen phosphorylation, photosynthesis ( light harvesting complex, photosystems , Calvin cycle ) 4. Monosaccharides - stereochemistry, physical and chemical characteristics of monosascharides, derivatives of monosaccharides, catabolic pathways of glucose ( glycolysis, pentose cycle, gluconeogenesis, Cori cycle ), interconversion of monosaccharides ( metabolism of fructose, galactose, mannose ) 5. Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides - characteristics of disaccharides and polysaccharides ( nomenclature, physical and chemical characters ) glycogenolysis and glycogenesis, heteropolysaccharides, biological mean of glycosaminoglycans and glycoproteins 6. Lipids - definition, biological functions, nomenclature, catabolisms of fatty acids ( ß-oxidation pathway ), biosynthesis of fatty acids, triglycerides, glycerophospholipids biosynthesis of cholesterol, metabolism of lipoproteins , regulation of lipids metabolism 7. Aminoacids - physical and chemical characteristics, hereditary defects of the metabolic pathways of aminoacids, L-tyrosine as a precursor of biosynthesis of catecholamines, hormones of thyroid glands, biosynthesis of heme, creatin, ornithin ( ureosynthetic ) cycle 8. Proteins - classification of proteins, conformation of proteins with their biological function , denaturation and digestion of proteins. 9. Enzymes - nomenclature and terminology of enzymes, isoenzymes, catalytic activity of enzymes, mean and functions of the active centre, view of cofactors and vitamins, kinetic of enzymatic reactions, equation Michaelis and Menten, types of inhibitors of enzymatic reactions, regulation of metabolisms on the level of cells. 10. Hormones - regulation of organ functions and metabolic processes of the nervous system, principle actions of hydrofobic and lipophylic hormones, hormones of hypothalamus, glandotropic hormones, steroid hormones and steroid biosynthesis, sexual hormones, exocrine and endocrine pancreatic functions, tissue hormones, hormonal regulation of metabolism of glucose calcium and minerals. 11. Nucleic acids - structural and functional types of DNA and RNA, purine and pyrimidine bases , the formations of complementary base pairs, genetic code, replication and transcription of DNA, regulation of transcription, translation ( proteosynthesis), posttranslation modifications 12. Xenobiochemistry - the fate of xenobiotics in the organism - biotransformation, principle basics of catabolism of xenobiotics, 13. Biological membranes - structure and characteristics of biomembranes, type of membrane transports 14. Physiological biochemistry - connnection between physiological and biochemical processes, role of reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) and antioxidative systems in organism
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