Course: Medical Psychology

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Course title Medical Psychology
Course code KE/ZPSE5
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Dlabal Martin, PhDr. Ph.D.
  • Fleischmann Otakar, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture Topics: 1. Psychological issues of an illness/disorder. 2. Psychosomatic and somatopsychic relations, autoplastic illness image. 3. Experiencing the illness in time, relation of an ill person to the illness. 4. The category of ill people from the psychological point of view. 5. Psychological issues of hospitalization, iatropatogeny, sororigeny a egrotogeny. 6. Professional deformation, the danger of burn-out syndrome development. 7. Stress, the psychology of pain. 8. The types of disability and psychological attitude towards clients. 9. Anxiety, fear. 10. The principles of professional behaviour. Seminar Topics: 1. Productive and non-productive behaviour, a health care provider as a client. 2. Psychotherapy in health care work. 3. Illness as a difficult life situation. 4. Communication with an ill client. 5. Communication within a social network of a client. 6. Non-adaptive personality demonstrations, non-productive behaviour. 7. Productive behaviour and its manifestations. 8. The attitude percularities towards the clients in some departments: internal, surgical. 9. The attitude percularities towards the clients in some departments: gynaecological and neurological. 10. Sharing sad news.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is classified as theoretically - practical. It deals with the issues of psychology of the clients and their family while being ill and healthy. The knowledge of medical psychology contributes towards better distinguishing awareness of healthy and ill clients and understanding their needs and problems.
Subject Knowledge: After completing the course the student has gathered the facts which are important for professional dealing with difficult situations appearing because of the individual needs of the ill/disabled or those dying as well as for keeping a good mental balance of the person providing the care. Professional Skills: After completing the course the student knows how to meet adequately the needs of a client and solve the problems connected with the illness/disorder. He can approach the clients considering specifics of some illnesses.
Conditional subject was not determined.

Assessment methods and criteria
Student gains credit for at least 80% of active attendance in seminars. Further students demonstrate familiarization with given issues in written form. Spoken form of the exam.
Recommended literature
  • BAŠTECKÁ B., GOLDMANN P. Základy klinické psychologie.Praha : Portál, 440s.ISBN 80-7178-550-4. 2001.
  • BERAN. J. Lékařská psychologie v praxi. 1. vydání. Praha: Grada. 144. S. 2009. ISBN: 978-80-247-1125-6.
  • BLATNÝ. M. a kol. Psychologie osobnosti. 1. vydání. Praha: Grada. 304 s. 2010. ISBN: 978-80-247-3434-7.
  • FELEILE. A. O., LIAN. L. B., FALEIDE. E. K. Vliv psychiky na zdraví. 1. vydání. 240 s. 2010. ISBN: 978-80-247-2864-3..
  • HÁJEK, K. Tělesné zakotvené prožívání. 1.vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 2002, 163 s.. 2002. ISBN 80-246-0422-1.
  • HAŠKOVCOVÁ H. Fenomen stáří. Praha : Panorama, 1. vydání, 407s. 1990.
  • HÁTLOVÁ, B. Kinezioterapie, pohybová cvičení v léčbě psychiatrických poruch.. Praha: Karolinum, 2003. ISBN 8024604205.
  • HAYES N. Základy sociální psychologie.Praha : Portál, 1.vydání, 165s. ISBN 80-7178-198-3. 1998.
  • HONZÁK R. I v nemoci si buď přítelem. Praha, Avicenum,. 1989.
  • HONZÁK R. Komunikační pasti v medicíně. Praha : Galén, 1. vydání , 151s. ISBN 80-85824-60-4. 1996.
  • HOSKOVEC, J. a kol. Psychologie XX. století. 2.vyd. Praha:Karolinum, 2003. 296 s.. 2003. ISBN 80-246-0300-4.
  • JOBÁNKOVÁ M. Kapitoly z psychologie pro zdravotnické pracovníky.Brno - IDVPZ, 2000,1.vydání, 202s. ISBN 80-7013-288-4. ISBN 80-7013-288-4.
  • JOBÁNKOVÁ, M. Vybrané problémy psychologie zdravotnické činnosti. Brno: IDV PZ, 1992..
  • JUNG C.G. Ćlověk a duše. Praha : Academia,1vydání, 277s. ISBN 80-2022543-9. 1995.
  • KONIGOVÁ, M. Tvořivost. 1vyd. Praha: Grada, 2007. 188 s.. 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-1652.
  • KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Bolest a její diagnostika. Brno : IDV PZ, 1992. 1992. ISBN 80-7013-130-6.
  • KŘIVOHLAVÝ J. Poslední úsek cesty.Praha : Návrat domů, 1.vydání, 92s.ISBN 80-85495-43-0. 1995.
  • KŘIVOHLAVÝ J. Psychologie nemoci. 1. vydání, 198s.. Grada, Praha, 2002. ISBN 80-247-0179-0.
  • MIKŠÍK, O. Psychologická charakteristika osobnosti. 2.vyd. Praha:Karolinum, 2007. 274 s.. 2007. ISBN 978-80-246-1304-8.
  • MIKŠÍK, O. Psychologická teorie osobnosti. 2.vyd. Praha:Karolinum, 2007. 270s. 2007. ISBN 978-80-246-1312-3.
  • NAKONEČNÝ M. Motivace lidského chování. Praha : Academia. 1.vydání, 270s. ISBN 80-200-0592-7. 1997.
  • NAKONEČNÝ M. Obecná psychologie. Praha: Stanislav Juhaňák - Triton, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7387-929-7.. 1995.
  • PAUTHAS V. Psychologie novorozence.Praha : Grada, 1.vydání, 285 s. ISBN 80-7169-960-8. 2000.
  • PŘÍHODA V. Ontogeneze lidské psychiky.Praha : SPN, 1.vydání, 461 s.. 1963.
  • SVATOŠOVÁ M. Hospice a umění doprovázet. Praha : Ecce homo, 2.vydání, 144s. ISBN 80-902049-0-2. 1995.
  • ZACHAROVÁ, E., J. ŠRÁMKOVÁ a M. HERMANOVÁ. Zdravotnická psychologie: teorie a praxe. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2007. 229s. ISBN 978-80-247-2068-5.. Praha, 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-2068-5.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester