Course: Didactic portfolio

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Course title Didactic portfolio
Course code KBO/4153
Organizational form of instruction no contact
Level of course Master
Year of study 1
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 1
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Fibiger Martin, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Didactic portfolio is supposed to give students an opportunity to self-reflection and to repeated evaluation of supporting didactic materials which they used during the continuous pedagogical practicum.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The seminar focuses on verifying of didactic competence of students, before they start their pedagogical practice. Stu-dents can get credit when thy present model preparation for a school lesson, including preparation of tools and other useful materials, multimedia presentations, papers etc. Teacher verifies competence connected with solving of problem-atic situations in practice.
Student demonstrates his competence in the field of education; he has the competence to implement specific teaching. He is able to create an adequate and functional preparation for the appropriate type of lessons, didactic content, moti-vational techniques, student's profile (presents model preparation, describes its framework implementation). He can also orientate himself in accessible teaching supports (including manuals, textbooks, methodologies).
knowledge of the field on the level of GCSE exam knowledge of disciplines connected to the central domain of study knowledge of appropriate terminology

Assessment methods and criteria
activity presentation
Recommended literature
  • Coufalová, J. a kol. Hledisko kvality v přípravě učitelů. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010.
  • Dytrtová, R. - Krhutová, M. Učitel příprava na profesi. Praha: Grada, 2009.
  • Kasíková, H. - Žák, V. Učit se děti učit se: hospitační arch. Praha: Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, 2011.
  • Mareš, J. Učitel - jeho příprava a požadavky školské praxe: sborník referátů z 2. konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu. Ústí nad Labem: Česká asociace pedagogického výzkumu, 1994.
  • Truda, J. Profesní portfolio učitele: soubor metod k hodnocení a sebehodnocení. Praha: Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, 2012.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Teaching of Czech Language and Literature for Secondary Schools (A14) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Summer