Course: Selected chapters from history of standard language

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Course title Selected chapters from history of standard language
Course code KBO/4105
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Master
Year of study 1
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 1
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Marvanová Mira, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. A term "standard language" and its pre-codification form - language of a culture; Its marks in modern language 2. Christianisation and its ethical paradox - new-culture bringer x old ethno-culture killer; Pre-Slavic phase of a Christianisation in Czech region since the era of Charles 3. The role of Slavonic language in the context of creating and protecting of new spiritual and cultural era of Slavic history; Beginning and progress of Czech-Slavonic language tradition (9.- 13. century); Participation in creating of lingual-empathy; Competition against Latin and German 4. The Era of Wenceslaus and Boleslaw (10. century); General-Slavonic language is transformed to Czech - separated independent language; Basic principles of the language 5. Written form of old-Czech, the written-language beginnings, its functions in opinions of that time (Dalimil); progress of literature - glosses and their transforming to regular fluent text 6. Charles the Fourth and first Europeanization - Claret´s dictionary as a tool of standardisation and codification (that is still valid) pan-Slavic nature of the language; first integral translations of Holy bible 7. Master John Hus as a co-creator of a language norm; the era of Utraquists - general knowledge of Bible, widening of genres, Czech people as tools of their re-Bohemisation 8. At the beginning of New-Age: Viktorin Kornel ze Všehrd and his lingual-esthetical point of view; his participation in Czech ecumenism 9. European context of a Bible in a native-language, its Europeanization role, Czech language participation in the process 10. Unity of Brothers (Jednota bratrská) and its participation in the process of improving of literacy in the nation; John Blahoslav, his book of grammar (including lingual-ethical questions) and Kralická Bible 11. Czech language protection law (1615) and its social, cultural and standardisation importance; Czech overtakes Europe in modernisation 12. The era after Bílá hora battle (1620), the role of John Amos Comenius; Rosa as an intentional promoter of Czech language norm (and codification); Jesuit patriots and their merit 13. F. M. Pelcl and his lingual-etical point of view 14. John Kolár as a poet and intentional promoter of thousand-years-old continuity of a national language; intentional formulation of principal lingual-ethical terms

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
To be skilled in modern Czech language world (with its monumentality and possibilities), to have an orientation in all its difficulties, is not available without cooperation with all its ancient creators; it is not possible without holding their thoughts and ideas tight. A self-cognition helped cave dweller to find out his uniqueness among other animals and creatures and become a real human - and cognition of language transformed the language to life-condition or cultural environment, necessary for every civilisation. The way of language-cognition is a way of purposeful improving of communication - and that means creating of standard language as a principal language system, but that also means cultivating of conditions of education, cultivating of environment and culture, because without it, the standard language has no sense. Through thousand-years-old experience of Czech language (used in a communication by speakers/co-creators), students can improve their ideas about sense of a standard language. Thanks to this kind of a dialog, university student will take this process as a part of himself. He will understand that Czech language is not just a common (even difficult) thing; it is an artefact, created by numbers of generations. At the end of lectures, there is a written test.
The course is based on the authentic experience of the students, which is gained from direct cognition of authentic texts and their authors. Such an approach offers immediate testimony of contemporary thinking and understanding czech language. Thanks to such an authentic experience, the student creates his own idea about this subject and also about creating his own knowledge environment, a kind of "autosphere". As a teacher, he will then be able to cast this experience to his future pupils and students.
knowledge of the field on the level of GCSE exam knowledge of disciplines connected to the central domain of study knowledge of appropriate terminology

Assessment methods and criteria
attendance activity presentation test
Recommended literature
  • Cuřín, F. Vývoj spisovné češtiny. Praha: SPN, 1985.
  • Havránek, B. - Hrabák, J. (eds). Výbor z české literatury od počátků po dobu Husovu. Praha: Nakl. ČSAV, 1957.
  • Havránek, B. Vývoj českého spisovného jazyka. Praha: SPN, 1980.
  • Krajčovič, R. - Žigo, P. Príručka k dějinám spisovné slovenčiny. Bratislava: Veda, 1999.
  • Lehár, J. - Erich, A. (eds.). Česká literatura 2, Od počátků do raného obrození. Praha: Český spisovatel, 1997.
  • Marvan, J. Cesty ke spisovné češtině. Prvních tisíc let (800-1800). Ústí nad Labem: UJEP, 2006.
  • Porák, J. Chrestomatie k vývoji českého jazyka (13.-18. století). Praha: SPN, 1979.
  • Šlosar, D. - Večerka, R. Spisovný jazyk v dějinách české společnosti. Praha: SPN, 1979.
  • Vašica, J. Literární památky epochy velkomoravské (863-885). Praha: Vyšehrad, 2014.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Teaching of Czech Language and Literature for the 2nd Stage of Primary Schools and for Secondary Schools (A14) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Summer