Course: Evolution of czech grammar

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Course title Evolution of czech grammar
Course code KBO/4085
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 3
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Čajka František, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Development of grammar and its genesis 2. Firts literary language - local - Czecho-Slovak. Its main ideas - Konstantin's Proglas. 3. Bohemia and its slavonic traditions. 4. Kosmas. 5. Poetry as an experiment of language, Píseň ostrovská - Slovo do světa stvořenie. 6. Kronika Dalimilova - first opinions on common ise of language. 7. Klaret doby Karlovy. Czech language as one of the european ones, regulation and unexpected codification. 8. Hus -reformer of language, Hussitism, isolation and germanization 9. Jan Blahoslav and his predecessors. Frst steps in building a language standart. 10. Daniel Adam z Veleslavína and the golden age of czech dictonaries. 11. Legal statement of czech language - first official law on czech language defense in 1615. 12. Period after the battle of White Mountin - Komenský and his suggestions on new dictonary, Thesaurus linguae bohemicae - cooperation of Rosa and Komenský throught idealistic and space-time obstacles . 13 - 14. Jesuits and rescue of czech language, bible Kralická and bible Svatováclavská, first professor of czech language Pelc and saying goodbye to the past.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
This seminar is suppose to be a guidance throught a thousand year old development of czech language thinking. Student is going throught many authentic texts which are connected to the language and its thousand year old destiny and which leads him to an authentic experince not only for his own but even the author's. Thanks to this authentic experience student is able to built his own idea about this certain field and therefor learn that knowing is actually not only trophy which is passed from teacher to student but also building student's own environment of knowledge. This knowledge is also student's own property which he should be able to pass on to the next generation. On a plus side he walks into the future world knowing that our history doesn't necessarily have to be part of the past but an inseparable element of our present.
Students is introduced to the written language authors of the first ten centuries through their authentic texts; It is this authentic experience (sort of conversation with the authors), student may realize that knowledge is based on creation of their own potential but he is also learning the fact that language is a millennial artifact, creating a spiritual environment that is necessary for the existence of a human, student learns how important are values such as beauty of czech language for those authors and that they are kind of responsible for it and finally it's ecumenism (since the 15th century). Student gets competency of the history of his literary language and how it has been nurtured during the 10th century.
knowledge of the field on the level of GCSE exam knowledge of disciplines connected to the central domain of study knowledge of appropriate terminology

Assessment methods and criteria
attendance activity presentation test
Recommended literature
  • Cuřín, F. Vývoj spisovné češtiny. Praha: SPN, 1985.
  • Havránek, B. - Hrabák, J. (eds.). Výbor z české literatury od počátků po dobu Husovu. Praha: Nakl. ČSAV, 1957.
  • Havránek, B. Vývoj českého spisovného jazyka. Praha: SPN, 1980.
  • Havránek, B. Vývoj spisovného jazyka českého (In:) Československá vlastivěda, řada II. Praha: Sfinx, 1936.
  • Krajčovič, R. - Žigo, P. Príručka k dějinám spisovné slovenčiny. Bratislava: Veda, 1999.
  • Lehár, J. - Erich, A. (eds.). Česká literatura 2, Od počátků do raného obrození. Praha: Český spisovatel, 1997.
  • Marvan, J. Cesty ke spisovné češtině. Prvních tisíc let (800-1800). Ústí nad Labem: UJEP, 2006.
  • Porák, J. Chrestomatie k vývoji českého jazyka (13.-18. století). Praha: SPN, 1979.
  • Šlosar, D. - Večerka, R. Spisovný jazyk v dějinách české společnosti. Praha: SPN, 1979.
  • Vašica, J. Literární památky epochy velkomoravské (863-885). Praha: Vyšehrad, 1996.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Czech Language and Literature (A14) Category: Philological sciences 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Summer
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Czech Language and Literature (A14) Category: Philological sciences 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Summer