Course: Contemporary literature

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Course title Contemporary literature
Course code KBO/4080
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 2
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Harák Ivo, PaedDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. The end 60s of 20th century in Czech poetry and prose; significant pieces - significant authors - distinctive tendencies (L. Vaculík: Sekyra, V. Linhartová: Rozprava o zdviži, E. Juliš: Nová země, V. Havel: Antikódy) 2. Manifestations of so called normalization in Czech literature, literary critics and in the thinking about literature (V. Rzounek: Nástin poválečné české literatury, L. Fuks: Návrat z žitného pole) 3. Exile and dissident authors, conceptions and tendencies of so called independent Czech literature (J. Škvorecký: Příběh inženýra lidských duší, Z. Salivarová: Hnůj země, L. Vaculík: Český snář) 4. So called grey zone in the time of normalisation (B. Hrabal: Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále, J. Suchý: Kytice) 5. Another manifestations of independent thinking in the time of normalisation (in the contact with literary events); gradual weakening of ideological indoctrination (songsters, Jazzová sekce, Plastic Peoples of Universum, Milan Knížák, theatres of small scenes, authors outside culture centres and so called mainstream: Petr Musílek: Věci našeho života) 6. Gradual return of forbidden authors in the 2nd half of 80s of 20th century in connection to so called reconstruction (E. Juliš: Hra o smysl, J. Heyduk: Fragmenty) 7. Significance of November 1989 for free literary development; gradual merging of three trends of Czech literature (Z. Rotrekl: Cestovní klínopis, J. Kovanda: Žádný žebř) 8. Metamorphoses of post-November development of Czech literature in the reflection of literary critics (V. Novotný: Ta naše postmoderna česká, J. Štolba: Nedopadající džbán) 9. Basic groups, authors, developing tendencies and pieces in Czech post-November poetry (J. Hrubý, K. Erbová, P. Král, P. Hruška, B. Volková etc.) 10. Basic groups, authors, developing tendencies and pieces in Czech post-November prose (I. Klíma, L. Vaculík, J. Topol, P. Placák, E. Hakl etc) 11. Basic developing tendencies of Czech post-November drama (V. Havel: Odcházení) 12. Memory as a theme of Czech novel (published after November 1989; Z. Rotrekl, D. Pecka, K. Pecka) 13. (Not only) Regional authors of North Bohemian region (R. Fridrich, T. Řezníček, M. Fibiger, K. Kováčová etc.) 14.Final seminar, credit test, students' evaluation

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
Subject is focused on the development of Czech literature (in broader context) from the end of 60s of 20th century to the present day. Students are familiarized with the way literature was influenced by ideological conceptions forced by the power and also with the state of the literature and literary process in the time when it was again possible to publish freely. The focus will be to capture and analyse pivotal tendencies, authors and pieces from the year 1989.
Student can: analyse, interpret and evaluate literary piece adequately, place this piece into the wider context of literary development, work with primary and secondary literature, give diachronic overview of given period of development of Czech literature, give outline of synchronic literary context, use adequate art-scientific terminology. Student manages: to write search to given issue, to produce written study or oral presentation about given literary piece (within above mentioned specifics), to use properly study material, study rooms and libraries, on the base of recommended sources gets access to other appropriate pieces of primary and secondary literature. On the base of deeper analysis of literary piece is able to place this piece into the particular developmental period, art movement, explain basic features of author's creative personality and evaluate the piece appropriately from the viewpoint of its possible position in so called canon of Czech literature. Is able to outline possible usage of the piece in the tuition of Czech literature at particular school grade.
knowledge of the field on the level of GCSE exam knowledge of disciplines connected to the central domain of study knowledge of appropriate terminology

Assessment methods and criteria
attendance activity presentation test
Recommended literature
  • Haman, A. Nástin dějin české literární kritiky. Praha: H + H, 2000.
  • Harák, I. Básník a jeho čas. Praha: Printia, 2012.
  • Harák, I. Býýýt odněkud. Praha: Protis, 2010.
  • Harák, I. Nepopulární literatura. Ústí nad Labem: CKK sv. Vojtěcha, 1999.
  • Janoušek, P. a kol. Dějiny české literatury 1945-1989 I. 1945-1948. Praha: Academia, 2007.
  • Janoušek, P. a kol. Slovník českých spisovatelů. Praha: Brána, 1995.
  • Kožmín, Z. - Trávníček, J. Na tvrdém loži z psího vína.
  • Machala, L. Literární bludiště. Praha: Brána - Knižní klub, 2001.
  • Přibáň, M. (ed.). Z dějin českého myšlení o literatuře sv.1 - 4. Praha:ÚČL AV, 2001.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Czech Language and Literature (A14) Category: Philological sciences 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Czech Language and Literature (A14) Category: Philological sciences 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer