Course: General Zoology

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Course title General Zoology
Course code KBI/P121
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 1
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 6
Language of instruction Czech, English
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Liegertová Michaela, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
The Course includes lectures and lab sessions divided in 4 blocks. Lectures are focused on general biology of animal cells and tissues and principles of reproduction of animals During lab sesions students will be introduced to classic and the contemporary methos used for studies of cells and tissues, incl. principles of biotechnologies. Students will work with actual cell and tissue microscopic specimens both at light and electron-microscopy levels as well PC interactive programs. Knowledge of basic chemistry of life from previous Courses is supposed. Block 1: Structure and function of the animal organism and the cell Molecular architectonics of biomembranes and membrane organelles Cytoskeleton, its chemisty and structure Cell nucleus, its chemistry and fine structure Cytosol and its molecular composition Block 2: Cell functioning Transport of molecules between cells and the extracellular millieau Cell energetics and protein synthesis Cell signalling and intreractions Cell division and its regulation Cell differentation and gene expression Cell damage, the defense mechanisms and cell death Block 3: Structure and function of animals tissues The cells and extracellular matrix, their characteristics and common structural and molecular features. Classification of animal tissues and their incidence in the animal body organs. Block 4:Reproduction of animals Gametogenesis Fertilization Blastogenesis

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim is to provide information on commnon properties of animals, including structure, metabolism anf function of cells and tissues of the organism as well the principles of reproduction of animals. Principles and practical excercising of the selected classic and modern cytological and biotechnological methods are included.

Teaching in English is meant only for erasmus and foreign students. In the case of a small number of students is teaching in a form of individual consultations.

Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
  • Alberts B. Základy buněčné biologie.. Espero, 1998.
  • Campbell, N. A.; Reece, J. B. Biologie. 2000.
  • Janqueira, L.C., Carneiro J., Kelly R. Základy histologie. H+H Jinočany, 1997.
  • Junqueira L.C. Basic Histology. 2000.
  • Klika E. a kol. Histologie. Avicenum, Praha, 1986.
  • Knoz J. Obecná zoologie. MU Brno, 1990.
  • Kolektiv autorů. Biologie I. Vydalo Gymnázium J. G. Mendela, Brno, 1995.
  • Kubišta V. Buněčné základy životních dějů.. 1998.
  • Nečas O. a kol. Obecná biologie. 2000.
  • Nečas O. Obecná biologie pro lékařské fakulty., H a H Vyšehradská s.r.o., 2000.
  • Paleček. Biologie buňky (skriptum). I. Základy mikroskopické cytologie. II. Základy mikroskopické histologie. Karolinum, Praha. 1996.
  • Romanovský, A. Obecná biologie.. 1985.
  • Rosypal a kol. Nový přehled biologie. 2003.
  • Sládeček F. Rozmnožování a vývoj živočichů. Academia Praha 1986.
  • Wolpert L. et al. Principles of Development. 2002.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Science Study plan (Version): Biology (A14) Category: Biology courses 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter