Course: Biogeography

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Course title Biogeography
Course code KBI/K410
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 2
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 5
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Gloneková Markéta, Ing. Ph.D.
  • Kubát Karel, doc. RNDr. CSc.
Course content
Course description: This lecture-based course will provide students with a foundation in biogeographical concepts as they apply to these issues and to others in ressource management, land-use planning, and environmental policy. Although biogeography spans a range of subfields, this course is focused on the components of biogeography most relevant to an applied understanding of recent and historic human-environment interaction. Biogeography is an integrative discipline that unites concepts and informations from ecology, physical geography, plant and animal biology as well as evolutionary biology. The course of biogeography will acquaint students with the distribution patterns of wild animals and plants and the factors that determine these patterns. Students by the end of this course, will be able to use ecological and biogeographical terminology; be able to map the distribution and describe the nature of earth´s major terrestrial biomes and be able to explain the variety of the geographic ranges and areas of living organisms. Course programme: Status the main principles of biogeohraphy Objectives of zoogeography and phytogeography Basic data elements of phytogeography, phytogeographic provinces (floristic provinces) and elements. Questions and approaches i phytogeography shared with zoogeography. Phytogeography, distribution of genetic variation and , historical biogeography, and general plant distribution patterns. Branches of Zoogeography, Branches of Biology relevant to Zoogeography Animal distribution. Faunistics as a study of fauna of some territory or area.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Biogeography is an integrative discipline that unites concepts and information from ecology, physical geography, plant and animal biology as well as evolutionary biology. The course of biogeography will acquaint students with the distribution patterns of wild animals and plants and the factors that determine these patterns. Students by the end of this course, will be able to use ecological and biogeographical terminology; be able to map the distribution and describe the nature of earth´s major terrestrial biomes and be able to explain the variety and ever-changing nature of the geographic ranges and areas of living organisms


Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
  • Buchar J. Základy zoogeografie. SPN. Praha. 1983.
  • Cox C.B. et Moore P.D. Biogeography. An ecological and evolutionary approach. Blackwell Science, Cambridge.. 1993.
  • Culek a kol. Biogeografické členění ČR. ENIGMA. 1995.
  • Culek M. Biogeografické členění České republiky II. díl. AOPK ČR, Praha.
  • Hajer J. Zoogeografie. Studijní opora KBI 2013.
  • Hendrych R. Fytogeografie. SPN, Praha.. 1984.
  • Hendrych R. Generum Plantarum orbis geographicus. ČBS Praha 2002..
  • Horáček I. Biogeografie. Biodiversita. Pp. 681-698 In: Rozsypal et al.: Biologie 2000. Scientia, Praha..
  • Horáček I., Ložek V. Ledová doba z pohledu zoologa. I: Glaciální fauna a historie její výpovědi. Živa 2004 (1): 5-9..
  • Lamolino, M.V., Ridale, B.R., Brown, J.H. Biogeography. Fourth Edition. Sinauer associates 2010,.
  • Ložek V. Ledová doba z pohledu zoologa. II. Živa 2004 (2): 51-55.
  • Ložek, V. Příroda ve čtvrtohorách. - Academia, Praha 1973, 372 str..
  • Ložek V. Příroda ve čtvrtohorách. Academia Praha.. 1973.
  • MacDonald, G. Biogeography. Introduction to Space, Time and Life. John Wiley & Sons, INC. 2001.
  • Meusel H. Vergleichende Chorologie der Zentraleuropäischen Flora. Vol. 1-3. - Jena. 1965-1992.
  • Opatrný E. Zoogeografie. SPN Praha.. 1983.
  • Schultz J. Die Ökozonen der Erde. Die ökologische Gliederung der Geosphäre. - Stuttgart. 1988.
  • Walter H. Obščaja geobotanika. Mir, Moskva.. 1982.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Science Study plan (Version): Biology (A14) Category: Biology courses 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer