Course: General Zoology

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Course title General Zoology
Course code KBI/K110
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 1
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 6
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Vašinová Karina, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Consultation 1 Lecture block 1 Common properties of animals, their taxonomy and basic organology. Cell and tissue architecture of organs and their increasing complexity during phylogeny. Structural and molecular architecture of animal cells and their organelles incl. nuclear, membrane and cytoskeletal compartmentalization, metabolic and functional cooperation of membrane organelles, composition and functioning of the cytoskeleton, cell nucleus, transport/export of molecules, biological signals and their receptors, metabolism, cellular energetics, protein synthesis, cell division and cell death and their mechanisms, significance and regulation. Lab session 1 Instruments used for cell and tissue studies (microscopes, pH meters, electrophoresis , centrifuges, flow cytometers, robotic hybridization, tissue culture facilities etc. Consultation 2 Lecture block 2 Organization of cells in tissue. Intercellular junctions, adhesion molecules, extracellular matrix and their tissue differences. Basic types of animals tissues and their specifities and organ distribution. Lab session 2 Cytological methods (EM, catalytic histochemistry, immunochemical and hybridization methods, hybridoms and their use in biological research, digitalization and analysis of microscopic objects, dissection and bulk separation of cells and organelles. Chemoarchitectonics of cells and their organelles in PC and Web galleries. Consultation 3 Lecture block 3 Organization of the nucleus and regulation of gene expression. Cell cycle, its significance, mechanisms and regulation. Tissue regeneration. Stem and progenitor cells. Their properties and significance DNA mutations and tumor transformation. Damage of cells by hypoxia, radiations, ROS, mutagens, etc. Defense and repair processes (heat-shock proteins, lysosomal a proteasomal breakdown, etc). Lab session 3 Basic types of animal tissue in the light and electron microscopy and their organ distribution. Consultation 4 Lecture block 4 Asexual and sexual reproduction of animals and its evolutionary aspects. Gametogenesis. Genetic and epigenetic sex determination. Fertilization. Blastogenesis. Principles of molecular genetic and biotechnological methods. Genomic manipulation of cells and animals Lab session 4 Gametes, zygote, cleavage and blastogenesis in light microscopy Předpoklady -další informace k podmíněnosti (Co to znamená ta podmíněnost??)

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the Course is to introduce students to common structural and functional properties of animals, their taxonomy and basic organology and to prepare them for studies of special zoology, physiology and molecular cell biology. The Course is focused on the morphology, chemoarchitectonics and functional properties of animal cells and tissues responsible for the basic morphology and functions of organs and the organism, e.g. body support, the outer and inner body barriers, homeostasis of inner enviroment, metabolism, energetics, biological signals and their receptoprs, irritability and excitability, movement, reproduction, immunity, adaptation and reparation processes etc.. The Course includes also principles of genetic manipulation of cells and animals, incl. construction of GM organisms. The Lab sessions will include introduction to laboratory instruments and methods used for studies of cells, tissue and the whole organisms. The lecture-provided information will be trained by anatomical models, light- and EM microscopic specimens, PC and web picture galleries and interactive computer programs.

Basic chemical, biophysical and cell biology knowledge is presumed.

Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
  • Alberts B. Základy buněčné biologie.. Espero, 1998.
  • Campbell, N. A.; Reece, J. B. Biologie. 2000.
  • Junqueira L.C. Basic Histology. 2000.
  • Nečas O. a kol. Obecná biologie. 2000.
  • Romanovský, A. Obecná biologie.. 1985.
  • Sládeček F. Rozmnožování a vývoj živočichů. Academia Praha 1986.
  • Wolpert L. et al. Principles of Development. 2002.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Science Study plan (Version): Biology (A14) Category: Biology courses 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter