Zelenka Přemysl, RNDr. CSc.
Course content
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Aim of the course is to obtain basic knowledge on geological structure of crust of individual continents and its evolution in a framework of plate tectonics. The emphasis is given on major periods of continental crust accretion throughout orogenic cycles since Archean to Cenozoic. Geological evolution and structure of European lithosphere is shown in detail. Only basic information are provided about other continents. This course gives to MSc students an extended knowledge on palaeontological system (Bacteria, Fungi, Algobionta, Embryobionta, Protozoa, Porifera, Archeocyata, Coelenterata). All main groups of fossil organisms are characterized from the view-point of detailed morphology, palaeoecology, evolution and systematic subdivision. Each lecture is followed by practical demonstration of fossil material samples.
Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
Chlupáč I. Geologická minulost České republiky. Academia Praha.. 2002.
Kachlík V. Vývoj organismů a jejich stratigrafický význam. Univerzita Karlova, Praha.. 1992.
Kachlík V., Chlupáč I. Základy geologie. Univerzita Karlova, Praha.. 1998.
Kalvoda J., Bábek O., Brzobohatý R. Historická geologie. Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc.. 1998.
Kvaček Z. a kol. Základy systematické paleontologie. UK. Praha.. 2000.
Pokorný V. a kol. Všeobecná paleontologie. Univerzita Karlova. Praha.. 1992.
Zapletal J. Základy geologie. Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc.. 1998.
Ziegler V. Základy historické geologie a stratigrafie). Karolinum Praha.. 1999.
Ziegler V. Všeobecná geologie. Karolinum Praha.. 1996.