Information on study programme

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Faculty Faculty of Education (PF)
Study programme Secondary School Teacher Education (N7504)
Branch of study / Specialization Teaching of Czech Language and Literature for Secondary Schools (7504T039/0 - A14)
Level of acquired qualification Postgraduate Master
Form of study Full-time
Standard length of study 2 years
Number of ECTS credits 120
Qualification awarded Master (7)
Access to further studies Doctoral study programme  
Type of completion State Final Exam
Study and Examination Code URL
Faculty coordinator for international students
Klenerová Jana, Mgr.
Phone: +420475283165
Key learning outcomes The aim of this master study branch is primarily to prepare a fully qualified teacher of Czech language and literature, working at Czech secondary schools, who will be devoted not only the education of students of secondary schools, but also to a lifelong self-education and who will be equipped with the necessary technical and didactical competencies for teaching Czech. Another aim is to ensure that the content and range of linguistic and literary components of the study branch can also be applied in professions outside education, in non-teaching activities.
Specific admission requirements unspecified
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning unspecified
Qualification requirements and regulations unspecified
Profile of the programme academical
Persistence requirements unspecified
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples academical
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor Mitter Patrik, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.

List of study plans for individual branches which may be combined with the selected branch.

Select combination to be shown

Branch of study name / specialization (branch of study code, study plan Stage and Version)
Select combination Teaching Musical Appreciation for Secondary Schools (7504T072/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Teaching Musical Appreciation for Secondary Schools (7504T072/0 - 1 - A14), General base (sznm/SZ - 1 - A14)
Select combination General base (sznm/SZ - 1 - A14)
General base (sznm/SZ - 1 - A14)
Select combination Teaching Social Sciences for Secondary Schools (6107T021/14 - 1 - A14), General base (sznm/SZ - 1 - A14)
Select combination Teaching of History for Secondary Schools (7504T063/14 - 1 - A14), General base (sznm/SZ - 1 - A14)
Status Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course code Course title (* Final State Examination) Language of instruction Number of ECTS credits Course availability
B Compulsory option - - KBO/4127 Social communication Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option - - KBO/4097 Contemporary European Literatures II Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option - Summer KBO/4129 Creative writing Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
C Optional - - CJP/0339 Foreign language - study stay English 4  
C Optional - - CPP/0098 Assistant teacher at a primary school Czech 10  
C Optional - - CPP/0100 Teaching assistant for leisure activities Czech 10  
C Optional - - CPP/0099 Assistant teacher at the school Czech 10  
C Optional - - CPP/0101 Assistant in social care facilities Czech 10  
C Optional - - CPP/0102 Peer Support Czech 4  
C Optional - - CPP/0097 Aassistant teacher in kindergarten Czech 10  
C Optional - Winter KPG/6170 World Teachers' Day Czech 2  
C Optional - Winter KPG/6171 World Teachers' Day Czech 2  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0048 Particular Pedagogical Practice II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0049 Particular Pedagogical Practice IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0050 Assistant Teacher II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0051 Assistant Teacher IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0093 Assistant Teacher VIII Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0088 Particular Pedagogical practice VI Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0095 Practical Experience II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer KPR/4046 Preparation and realization of children's camp Czech 2  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0083 Assistant Teacher VI Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0091 Assistant Schoolmaster VIII Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0086 Particular Pedagogical practice VI Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0055 Project Practice IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0047 Assistant Schoolmaster IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0092 Particular Pedagogical practice VIII Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0052 Particular Pedagogical Practice II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0089 Assistant Teacher VIII Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0087 Assistant Teacher VI Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0044 Particular Pedagogical Practice II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0053 Particular Pedagogical Practice IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0084 Particular Pedagogical practice VI Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0045 Particular Pedagogical Practice IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0085 Assistant Schoolmaster VI Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0043 Assistant Teacher IV Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0054 Project Practice II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0046 Assistant Schoolmaster II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0042 Assistant Teacher II Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0094 Particular Pedagogical Practice VIII Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0090 Particular Pedagogical practice VIII Czech 3  
C Optional - Summer CPP/0096 Assistant Teacher at Kindergartens II Czech 3  
B Compulsory option 1 - KBO/4096 Contemporary European Literatures I Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 1 - KBO/4128 Franz Kafka and German literature in Czech translations Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Summer KBO/4150 Selected chapters from history of standard language Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Summer KBO/4152 Didactics of literature II Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Summer KBO/4155 Pedagogical practise I Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Summer KBO/4151 Didactics of style Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Summer KBO/4153 Didactic portfolio Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Summer KBO/4154 Selected chapters of foreign literature I Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Summer KPG/4308 Psychodidactics and neurodidactics Czech 3  
A Compulsory 1 Summer KPG/4305 Social pedagogy Czech 3  
A Compulsory 1 Summer KPG/4307 Methodology of pedagogical research Czech 3  
A Compulsory 1 Winter KBO/4149 Didactics of literature I Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Winter KBO/4148 Didactics of a language Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Winter KBO/4147 Text linguistics Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 1 Winter KTV/4327 Health education and First aid Czech 2  
A Compulsory 1 Winter KPS/4312 Developmental psychology Czech 3  
A Compulsory 1 Winter KPS/4311 Educational psychology Czech 4  
A Compulsory 1 Winter KBO/4901 Czech language and the basics of rhetoric Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 - KPG/SZZN1 State Exam in Pedagogy and Psychology  (*) Czech 0  
B Compulsory option 2 - KPG/4326 Diploma Thesis Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 2 - KPR/4007 Ethical education Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 2 - KPS/4942 Diploma thesis Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 2 - KPR/4006 Environmental education Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 2 - KGER/DP Diploma Theses German 8  
A Compulsory 2 Summer KBO/4162 General linguistics Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Summer KBO/4161 Interpretation of Czech short story Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Summer KPS/4341 Educational and Counselling Psychology Czech 4  
A Compulsory 2 Summer KPG/4311 Principles of school management Czech 3  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer KVV/4434 Diploma Thesis Czech 8 The course is available to visiting students
B Compulsory option 2 Summer KHV/4300 Diploma thesis Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer KTV/4325 Master Final Project Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer KBO/4125 Master´s thesis Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer KAJ/4343 Diploma Thesis Czech 8  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer KPF/NDP1 Diploma Thesis Czech 8  
A Compulsory 2 Winter KBO/4157 Czech as a foreign language Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Winter KBO/4158 Selected chapters from foreign literature II Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Winter KBO/4160 Pedagogical practise II Czech 1  
A Compulsory 2 Winter KBO/4159 Pedagogical practise II Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Winter KBO/4156 Theory of standard language I Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
A Compulsory 2 Winter KPS/4333 Psychopathology Czech 2  
A Compulsory 2 Winter KPS/4331 Social psychology Czech 2  
A Compulsory 2 Winter KPS/4332 Emotional intelligence development of social skills Czech 3  
A Compulsory 2 Winter KPG/4306 Special pedagogy Czech 4  
B Compulsory option 2 Winter KPG/4310 Multicultural education Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 2 Winter KBO/4094 Media education Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 2 Winter KPG/4309 Basics of financial literacy Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 2 Winter KPG/4324 Introduction to law studies Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 2 Winter KPS/4391 Gifted student in teaching Czech 2