Information on study programme

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Faculty Faculty of Education (PF)
Study programme Physical Education and Sport (B7401)
Branch of study / Specialization Czech Language and Literature (7310R033/0 - A14)
Level of acquired qualification Bachelor
Form of study Full-time
Standard length of study 3 years
Number of ECTS credits 180
Qualification awarded Bachelor (0)
Access to further studies Master study programme  
Type of completion State Final Exam
Study and Examination Code URL
Faculty coordinator for international students
Klenerová Jana, Mgr.
Phone: +420475283165
Key learning outcomes The goal of the branch Czech Language and Literature (combination studies) is to prepare students for future study, mostly in the sphere of linguistic and literary Czech studies. Attention is paid especially to pedagogical and non-pedagogical works (for example to non-pedagogical future study of Czech Language and Literature). Another educational goal is to prepare students for using the range of linguistic and literary knowledge and skills in practice. After finishing the study, students will be able to find their position in the labour market which does or does not require the Master study degree.
Specific admission requirements unspecified
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning unspecified
Qualification requirements and regulations unspecified
Profile of the programme academical
Persistence requirements unspecified
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples academical
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor Koten Jiří, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.

List of study plans for individual branches which may be combined with the selected branch.

Select combination to be shown

Branch of study name / specialization (branch of study code, study plan Stage and Version)
Physical Education (7401R013/0 - 1 - A14)
Select combination Physical Education (7401R013/0 - 1 - A14), General base (sztvbc/SZ - 1 - A14)

Segment composition (blocks and Courses within):

Name of segment
PF PK ČJ 2O Bc. A14
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KBO/4061 An Introduction to the Study of Czech 1 Zp 1+1+0 1 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4062 Phonetics and Phonology 2 Zp 1+1+0 1 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4063 Collective exam A 4 Zk 0+0+0 1 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4064 An Introduction to Slavonic Studies 1 Zp 1+1+0 1 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4065 An Introduction to the Study of Literatu 2 Zp 1+1+0 1 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4066 A History of Czech Literature of the 19t 2 Zp 1+1+0 1 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4067 Lexicology and Word Formation 2 Zp 1+1+0 1 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4068 Historical Grammar I 2 Zp 1+1+0 1 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4069 Old Church Slavonic 2 Zp 1+1+0 1 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4070 Collective Exam B 4 Zk 0+0+0 1 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4071 Úvod do studia literatury II 3 Zk+ 0+2+0 1 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4072 A History of Czech Literature of the 19t 3 Zk+ 1+2+0 1 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4073 Morphology 3 Zp 1+2+0 2 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4074 Historical Grammar II 4 Zk+ 1+1+0 2 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4077 20th century Czech literature I 3 Zp 1+2+0 2 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4076 Syntax I 2 Zp 1+1+0 2 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4075 Collective exam C 4 Zk 0+0+0 2 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4078 Syntax II 4 Zk+ 1+2+0 2 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4079 20th century Czech literature II 4 Zk+ 1+2+0 2 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4080 Contemporary literature 2 Zp 0+2+0 2 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4081 Literary work interpretation 2 Zp 0+2+0 2 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4082 Stylistics 4 Zk+ 1+2+0 3 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4083 Language analyses 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4084 Old Czech literature 4 Zk+ 1+2+0 3 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4087 Rhetoric 2 Zp 0+1+0 3 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4086 Literature of regions 3 Zk 0+1+0 3 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4085 Evolution of czech grammar 4 Zk 0+2+0 3 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4088 Bachelor's /Bachelor seminar 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Summer  
Name of segment
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KBO/4090 Narratology 3 Zp 0+2+0 3 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4091 Public speeches 3 Zp 0+2+0 3 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4092 Versology 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KBO/4093 Czech language in/around the world 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Summer The course is available to visiting students
Name of segment
PF VK ČJ Bc. A14
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
Name of segment
PF SZZ ČJ 2O Bc. A14
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
Name of segment
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KTV/4205 Basic Gymnastics 1 Zp 0+1+0 1 Winter  
KTV/4106 Functional Anatomy I 2 Zp 1+0+0 1 Winter  
KTV/4204 Handball 1 Zp 0+1+0 1 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4107 Biomechanics 4 Zk+ 1+1+0 1 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4110 History of Physical Education and Sports 4 Zk+ 1+1+0 1 Winter  
KTV/4202 Physical education games in a small area 1 Zp 0+1+0 1 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4203 Basketball 1 Zp 0+2+0 1 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4206 Volleyball 1 Zp 0+2+0 1 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4117 Athletics I 1 Zp 0+2+0 1 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4116 Theory of Physical Education and Sports 4 Zk+ 1+1+0 1 Summer  
KTV/4114 Functional Anatomy II 4 Zk+ 1+1+0 1 Summer  
KTV/4207 Fotball 2 Zp 0+2+0 1 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4020 Course of outdoor activities 2 Zp 0D+7D+0 1 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4119 Sport Gymnastics 2 Zp 0+2+0 2 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4120 Swimming 2 Zp 0+2+0 2 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4208 Anthropomotorics 3 Zk+ 1+1+0 2 Winter  
KTV/4132 Phys. Educ. and Sport for Peo. with Dis. 3 Zk+ 1+1+0 2 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4126 Human Physiology 2 Zp 1+1+0 2 Winter  
KTV/4029 Skiing Course I 2 Zp 0D+7D+0 2 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4209 Physical Education and Health 3 Zk+ 1+1+0 2 Summer  
KTV/4152 Athletics II 2 Zp 0+3+0 2 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4211 Fundamentals of Method in Kinantropology 1 Zp 1+0+0 2 Summer  
KTV/4210 Rhytmic Gymnastics and Dance 1 Zp 0+2+0 2 Summer  
KTV/4032 Course of Water Sports 2 Zp 0D+7D+0 2 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4134 Physiology of Exercise and Sport 5 Zk+ 1+1+0 2 Summer  
KTV/4127 Theory of Training in Sport 4 Zk+ 1+1+0 3 Winter  
KTV/4212 Resistance Excercises 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Winter  
KTV/4213 Presentation of Research Work 1 Zp 0+1+0 3 Winter  
KTV/4130 Ice Skating 1 Zp 0+1+0 3 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4138 Traumatology and Hygiene 4 Zk+ 1+1+0 3 Winter  
KTV/4216 Climbing Fundamentals 1 Zp 0+1+0 3 Summer  
KTV/4144 Sport Medicine 1 Zp 1+0+0 3 Summer  
KTV/4148 Physical Education Games in a Large Area 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4214 Theory of physical activities in nature 2 Zk 1+0+0 3 Summer  
KTV/4215 Environ. Aspects in Phys Educ and Sport 3 Zk 1+0+0 3 Summer  
Name of segment
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KTV/4183 Games with a Different Focus 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 - The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4184 Informatics in PE and Sports 1 Zp 0+1+0 3 Winter  
KTV/4218 Indoor Climbing 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Winter  
KTV/4192 Nutrition in sport and anti-doping educa 1 Zp 1+0+0 3 Winter  
KTV/4438 Human biology in science and practice 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Winter  
KTV/4188 Sport Gymnastics A 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Winter The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4082 Course of Cycling 2 Zp 0D+7D+0 3 Summer  
KTV/4190 Squash 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Summer  
KTV/4186 Rope Activities 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4217 Gymnastics 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Summer  
KTV/4083 Course of Climbing 2 Zp 0D+7D+0 3 Summer The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4187 Methodology and Organizational 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 Summer  
KTV/0289 Spinning 2 Zp 0+2+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
KTV/0466 Biomedical kinanthropology research 2 Zp 0+2+0 - -  
KTV/0453 Researche in kinantrophology 2 Zp 0+2+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
KTV/6340 Sport massage 2 Zp 0+1+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
KTV/6385 Winter hiking course 2 Zp 0+7D+0 - Winter  
KTV/0080 Skiing course 2 Zp 0D+5D+0D - Winter The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4095 Hiking Course - Summer 2 Zp 0D+7D+0 - Summer The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4440 Modern dances 2 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTV/0469 Rowing 2 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
Name of segment
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KTV/4375 Futsal referee 1 Zp 0+1+0 - -  
KTV/0464 Mountain guide certificate 2 Zp 0+6D+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
KTV/4374 Football referee 1 Zp 0+1+0 - -  
KTV/0070 School skiing instructor course 2 Zp 0D+7D+0D - Winter  
KTV/0365 Climbing instructor 2 Zp 0+3D+0 - Winter  
KTV/0477 Istructor skialpinismu 2 Zp 0+7D+0 - Winter  
KTV/0071 School snowboarding instructor course 2 Zp 0D+6D+0D - Winter  
KTV/0473 Cardiofitness course 2 Zp 0+6D+0 - Summer  
KTV/0474 Instructor freediving 2 Zp 0+7D+0 - Summer  
KTV/0458 Rock climbing instructor 2 Zp 0+6D+0 - Summer  
KTV/0476 Soccer coach UEFA Grassroots C license 2 Zp 0+28S+0 - Summer  
Name of segment
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KTV/SZZ2 Phys. Educ. and Sport two branch study 0 Szv 0S+0S+0 3 Summer