Course: European Funds and International Cooperation

» List of faculties » PRF » KGEO
Course title European Funds and International Cooperation
Course code KGEO/B407
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Hruška Vladan, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes

Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
  • Zadávací dokumentace, příručky pro žadatele, programové dokumenty jednotlivých operačních programů..
  • MAREK, D., KANTOR, T., 2009. Příprava a řízení projektů strukturálních fondů Evropské unie. Barrister a Principal, 215..
  • PŘICHYSTAL, A., 2008. Kuchařka pro žadatele z fondů EU aneb jak uvařit dobrý projekt. VEGA-L, 153s..

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Science Study plan (Version): Central-European Geography (A14) Category: Geography courses 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer