Course: null

» List of faculties » PRF » KFY
Course title -
Course code KFY/AMAT
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course unspecified
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Hájková Pavlína, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes

Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
  • Hanykýř, Vladimír; Havrda, Jiří. Speciální technologie keramiky. SNTL, 1985.
  • J. Pokluda a kol. Mechanické vlastnosti a struktura pevných látek (kovy, plasty, keramika),. 1994.
  • KOMNITSAS K.; ZAHARAKI D. Geopolymerisation: a review and prospects for the minerals industry. Miner Eng 2007, 20, 1261?.
  • OVČAČÍKOVÁ H., VLČEK J. Speciální keramické materiály, VŠB ? Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2013,. ISBN 978-80-248-3365-1.
  • Vnouček, M. Kompozitní materiály:;.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester