1. Pollutants in the environment. Metals, nitrogen compounds, halogens, ozone, CO, sulphur compounds. 2. Halogenated hydrocarbons, benzene, PAHs, PCBs, dioxins, detergents, pesticides. 3. Biogeochemical cycles. Cycles of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, mercury. 4. Modification of chemicals in the environment. Photochemical processes, redox systems, hydrolysis, metabolic transformations. 5. Atmospheric chemistry. Atmosphere, pollutants in the atmosphere. 6. Acid rains, smogs. Atmosphere and vehicular traffic. 7. Hydrosphere. Water pollution. Processes in Water. 8. Acid mine waters. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). 9. Soil chemistry. Ion exchange equilibriums in soil. Soil acidity. 10. Nutrients in soil. Contamination of food. 11. Ozone layer. Chlorofluorocarbons. 12. Depletion stratospheric ozone (mechanism). Global warming. 13. Greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, climate changes. 14. Time reserve.
BYDŽOVSKÝ, J. Latina pro zdravotníky. Třebíč: nakladatelství Radek Veselý. 2010. ISBN: 978-80-86376-38-7. Chemie životního prostředí, 1990.
Holoubek, I. Chemie a společnost. Chemie životního prostředí. UJEP Brno., 1990.
Manahan, S.E. Environmental Chemistry, Lewis Publishers, Michigan. 1991.