Kubát Karel, doc. RNDr. CSc.
Course content
Traditional and modern methods of plant systematics. Botanical nomenclature. Czech names of plants. Classification and system in vascular plants. Molecular systematics. Green plant phylogeny: Embryophytes, vascular plants, gymnosperms, angiosperms. Lycophytes, ferns and their allies, and extant gymnosperms. Phylogenetic relationships of angiosperms: "Basal families". Magnoliid complex. Monocots. Eudicots: "basal tricolpates", core tricolpates - rosids (eurosids I, eurosids II), asterids (euasterids I, euasterids II). Selected important families and species.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Historical and modern opinions on classification of vascular plants. The most important families of European flora. Plants of special importance (cultivated plants).
Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
Bremer K. et al. Introduction to Phylogeny and Systematics of Flowering Plants. Uppsala, 2003.
Briggs D. et Walters S. M. Proměnlivost a evoluce rostlin. - 531str., Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.. 2001.
Cronquist A. The evolution and classification of flowering plants. Ed. 2. New York.. 1988.
Friedman W. E. et Floyd S. K. The origin of flowering plants and their reproductive biology - a tale of two phylogenies. - Evolution 55: 217-231. 2001.
Hendrych R. Systém a evoluce vyšších rostlin.- 517 str., SPN Praha.. 1979.
Judd W.S. et al. Plant Systematics. A phalogenetic approach. Sinnauer Associates Sunderland.. 2002.
Kubát K. (ed.) et al. Klíč ke květeně ČR. Academia Praha,. 2002.
Mártonfi P. Systematika cievnatých rastlín. Košice 2006.
Novák F. A. Vyšší rostliny. - 987 str., Academia Praha.. 1972.
Rosypal a kol. Nový přehled biologie. 2003.
Rosypal S. Fylogeneze, systém a biologie organismů.SPN Praha: 744pp. 1992.
Slavík J. /red./. Květena České republiky. Vol. 1-. Praha, 1988-..
Stuessy T.F. Horändl E., Mayer V. Plant Systematics. A half -century of progress. 1950.