Vašinová Karina, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1.Introduction to the ecophysiology, syllabus and recommended literature 2.Terminology, definition of ecophysiology, biotic and abiotic environment 3.Organism and his environment, adaptation, divergence and convergence, nomenclature and terminology 4.Ecological factors (abiotics x biotics), climate and clime, classification and characteristic of biomes. Territory such as source, special forms of nutrition 5.Ecological physiology of animals (changes of physiology in organism during the factors of environment) 6.Factors of weather 7.Ecophysiology and comparative physiology of animals (changes of digestion, metabolism, energetic bilance) 8.The ecology of guilds, synecology, density, abundance, production, dominance, presence and absence, other characteristic 9.Interspecific and intraspecific interactions among living organism 10.The study of ecosystem, other parts of biosphere and the ralationship between man and the biosphere. Energetic of ecosystems. 12.The study of biodiversity, diversity index 13.Experimental ecophysiology.Discussion and conclusion
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
This subject is focused to give an explanation of causes and consequences of physiological adaptations in different conditions of environment. The next subjest of this course is study of physiological changes in animals caused by abiotics and biotics factors of environment. The special chapter pays attention to experimental ecophysiology.
Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
Begon, M., Harper, J.L., Townsend, C.R. Ekologie- jedinci, populace a společenstva. Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého, Olomouc,. 1997.
Jeník J. Ekosystémy. UK Praha.. 1995.
Kudrna K. a kol. Biosféra a lidstvo. Academia. Praha.. 1988.
Losos, B. Ekologie živočichů. SPN Praha, 316 pp.. 1984.
Penka M. Základy ekofyziologie rostlin. SPN Praha, 1990.
Pivnička K. Ekologie. Univerzita Karlova. Praha.. 1988.
Slavíková J. Ekologie rostlin. SPN. Praha: 366. 1986.
Vlasák, P. 1986. Ekologie savců. Academia, Praha. 291 str..