Auer Malinská Hana, Mgr. Ph.D.
Obsah předmětu
1. Part 1: Scientific sources and literature. Databases, journals, papers. Understanding facts in scientific text. Discussion about chosen text. Scientific publication, papers-searching, sorting, reading, getting relevant data, discussion. 2. Part 2: Types of data presentation. Oral presentation. Student will prepare short (max. 10 minutes) presentation-given topic, presentation, discussion. Student will prepare and present talk ?chosen topic (20-30 minutes). Discussion in ?conference style?. Poster presentation. Student creates poster with his diploma thesis and data, presents his results in front of his classmates. Discussion. 3. Part 3: Other presentation possibilities. Video abstract, on-line poster. Video conference. Conference call. Group performs conference call abroad-discussion with collaborators abroad-topic-academic travels, Erasmus.
Studijní aktivity a metody výuky
Výstupy z učení
Hodnoticí metody a kritéria
Vypracované úkoly, podíl na diskusi.
Doporučená literatura
CIRINO, Lauren A., et al. Broadening the voice of science: Promoting scientific communication in the under graduate classroom. Ecology and evolution, 2017, 7.23: 10124-10130.
SCHWINGEL, Johanna M. Enhancing Scientific Communication Through an Undergraduate Biology and Journalism Partnership. Journal of microbiology& biology education, 2018, 19.1..