Course: Health-oriented regimens and active lifestyle

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Course title Health-oriented regimens and active lifestyle
Course code KTV/Q747
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Bláha Ladislav, doc. PaedDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures and Seminars: 1. Introduction - basic information about the study-unit, organization, content. 2. Binding application of physical activity on health, relationship of health and health-related fitness. Health benefit application of physical activities, changes in the concept of physical education with regard to current thinking on the role of active participation in physical activities. 3. Possible interventions to promote active lifestyles and health-beneficial application of physical activities. Planning intervention actions with regard to the health status of the individual, the environment, life, and long-term goals of intervention programs. 4. Planning programs for children and youth, going through the educational curriculum with regard to the suitability of the kinetic behavior of children and youth. Options interventions in educational institutions. The role of families in education for active lifestyles. 5. The problem of obesity and overweight, balance intake and energy expenditure, variable accompanying the prevalence of obesity and overweight. Specifics of intervention programs in the prevalence of obesity and overweight among children, adults and the elderly. 6. The problem of disability and maintain a healthy lifestyle with regard to the specifics of disability. Combined disability. Reduction of negative effects of behavior in people with certain types of disabilities through the application of physical activity and motion editing modes. 7. Physical activities of senior citizens. Adjustment of physical interventions with regard to the status of the musculoskeletal system, level of physical ability. Enforcing a selected range of physical activities suitable for long-term and sustained implementation of senior citizens. Possibilities of physical interventions in homes for the elderly and in nursing homes. Social support persons in need of weight reduction. 8. Resources for field monitoring of physical activity. Their application and use for the customization of motion modes. The use of pedometers, questionnaires, record sheets, etc. 9. Resources for field monitoring of physical activity and resources for laboratory evaluation of the level of fitness Using heart rate sensors, instrumentation and information technology and others. Testing, evaluation. 10. Use of the information system needs INDARES for finding out the level of fitness, physical activity monitoring application and promotion of research activities in the field of monitoring physical activities. 11. Domestic policy in relation to the promotion of physical activity of the population, a strategic decision to support public health policy of the state and the individual departments in the sphere of physical activities in support of broad sections of the population. 12. Interaction of nutrition and physical activity programs to promote health and healthy lifestyles. Preparation and implementation of small-scale survey or participate in a comprehensive investigation department. Working with professional resources to the issue. 13. Evaluation of seminar papers, presentation of the results of individual projects or sub-part investigation. 14. Completing the presentation, evaluation and award of studies.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim of the study-unit is to familiarize students with basic knowledge of non-pharmacological ways affect the health and lifestyles of individuals through the exercise intervention. Students will receive instruction in basic information about human movement in terms of its effects on health, information on the draft motion for intervention as healthy as a selected group of patients, information on diagnostic methods, information and practical experience in the application of movement as a means of primary and secondary prevention, information on the use of movement as a means of weight adjustment and influencing condition.Part of the study-unit focuses on how to monitor the prevalence of physical activities, ways of recording assessment in relation to a healthy lifestyle in combination with other variables and creating proposals for possible intervention.
By the end of the study-unit Student will be able to: - Actively use the concepts of health, movement modes, healthy lifestyle, quality of life and physical activity. - Describe problems by physical activity and the possibility of intervention in physical regimes for different groups of the population with respect to the health status of individuals. - Demonstrate theoretical knowledge in the theory of sports and fitness training, quality of life and a healthy lifestyle. - Describe the factors influencing physical exercise. - Interpret factors influencing the choice of exercises and tools for the creation and implementation of physical activities. - Select appropriate physical activity and exercise for physical modes implemented in different environments or part of the population. - Control the basic field of measurement and evaluation techniques and tools used for broad groups of the population and a very narrowly defined group of people with special needs - Apply in practice the acquired knowledge to prepare proposals for the implementation of intervention or motion programs. It is able to monitor and evaluate their success. - Design and create a monthly health-oriented exercise program for a selected group of persons or groups with physical limitations. - Define and identify policy instruments and decisions of government policy or the municipal sector to promote physical activity of the population and their contribution to public health.

Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation in seminars - 80% participation in the investigation, processing sub-task of investigation in the form of seminar work according to the assigned topic.
Recommended literature
  • Adler, M. J. Strečink.. Praha: Grada Publishing., 1999.
  • Bartůňková, S. Fyziologie člověka a tělesných cvičení.. Praha: Karolinum., 2006.
  • Bláha, L. Vybrané studie k uplatňování pohybových aktivit u osob se zrakovým postižením.. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J. E. Purkyně., 2011.
  • Blahutková, M., Řehulka, E., & Dvořáková, Š. Pohyb a duševní zdraví.. Brno: Paido., 2005.
  • Bouchard, C., & Katzmarzyk, P. T. (Eds.). Physical Activity and Obesity.. Champaign , IL: Human Kinetics., 2010.
  • Bunc, V. Energetická náročnost pohybových aktivit a její využití pro ovlivňování tělesné hmotnosti. In R. Vobr (ed). Disportare 2006.. České Budějovice: Pedagogická fakulta Jihočeské univerzity., 2006.
  • Bunc, V. Pojetí tělesné zdatnosti a jejich složek. Těl.Vých. Sport Mlád. 1995.
  • Dovalil, J. et al. Výkon a trénink ve sportu.. Praha: Olympia., 2002.
  • Havel, Z., & Hnízdil, J. Rozvoj a diagnostika rychlostních schopností.. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J.E. Purkyně., 2010.
  • Havel, Z. & Hnízdil, J. Rozvoj a diagnostika silových schopností.. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J.E. Purkyně., 2009.
  • Heller, J. Fyziologie tělesné zátěže II. Speciální část - 3.díl.. Praha: Karolinum., 1996.
  • Hendl, J., & Dobrý, L. et al. Zdravotní benefity pohybových aktivit. Monitorování, intervence, evaluace.. Praha: Karolinum., 2011.
  • Hnízdil, J., & Havel, Z. Rozvoj a diagnostika koordinačních a pohyblivostních schopností.. Bánská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela., 2010.
  • Hnízdil, J. Rozvoj a diagnostika vytrvalostních schopností.. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J.E. Purkyně., 2012.
  • Hnízdil, J. Rozvoj pohybových schopností.. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J.E. Purkyně., 2005.
  • Jansa, P., Kocourek, J., Votruba, J., & Dašková, B. Sport a pohybové aktivity v životě české populace.. Praha: UK FTVS., 2005.
  • Kalman, M., Hamřík, Z., & Pavelka, J. Podpora pohybové aktivity.. Olomouc: MZ ČR., 2009.
  • Kudláček, M. et al. Aplikované pohybové aktivity pro osoby s tělesným postižením.. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, Fakulta tělesné kultury., 2007.
  • Mitáš, J., & Frömel, K. Pohybová aktivita české dospělé populace v kontextu podmínek prostředí.. Olomouc: UP, 2013.
  • Pelclová, J. Pohybová aktivita v životním stylu dospělé a seniorské populace České republiky.. Olomouc: UP, 2015.
  • Rubín, L., Mitáš, J., Dygrýn, J., Vorlíček, M., Nykodým, J., Řepka, E., Feltlová, D.. Frömel, K. Pohybová aktivita a tělesná zdatnost českých adolescentů v kontextu zastavěného prostředí.. 1. vyd. Olomouc: UP., 2018.
  • Sigmund, E., & Sigmundová, D. Pohybová aktivita pro podporu zdraví dětí a mládeže.. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého., 2011.
  • Stejskal, P. Proč a jak se zdravě hýbat.. Břeclav: Presstempus., 2004.
  • Teplý, Z. Zdraví, zdatnost, pohybový režim.. Praha : Česká asociace sport pro všechny., 1995.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester