Course: Sport and people with disabilities

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Course title Sport and people with disabilities
Course code KTV/Q532
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Bláha Ladislav, doc. PaedDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Seminars Topics: 1. Terminological issues of Curriculum, SEP (general not appropriate to the various types of high schools). Explanation of terms such as integration and inclusion. High school environment and teaching physical education - useful communication, collaboration with other students, the possibility of using assistants. Environment teams and clubs for adults with membership of intact individuals of the population and the disabled. Legislation. Disability and opportunities to participate in activities with other participants. 2. Selected problems of physical activities for people with disabilities. Environment, physical education or recreation physical education for psychosocial personality development. Guidelines for physical education or recreation physical education undertaken in a wheelchair. Practical exercises. 3. Monoski, bi-ski, dual-ski, sit-ski, and sledge - winter activities for people with disabilities - various types of sports equipment. Going down on skis for persons with physical disabilities, sensory disabilities - specifications, safety alerts, issues, principles of communication, staff etc. 4. Use of orthopedic sports trucks. Track manipulation. Possibilities of use in a variety of small games, motion games. 5. Athletic activities, swimming sports, boccia, batting games and their possible modification by the state of motor skills of the individual. 6. Handbike - hand bike ride, warning of dangers of practical applications in the area of high school. Specifications potential applications of physical activities in children with cerebral palsy, traumatic paraplegia, lower limb amputations. Slight motion games, batting brennball and other games, 7. Seated volleyball, basketball, Tchoukball - the practical application of selected physical activities. 8. Instructions and recommendations for use with persons with sensory disabilities. Instructions and recommendations for integrated physical education with children with visual impairments. Game - "parsec light" - dealt with in a natural area in the sports hall or in a gymnasium. Football for visually impaired. Sound shooting. 9. Principles of management of persons with visual disabilities. The issue of physical development of a person with a visual impairment. Small games and manipulative activities. Test of directivity locomotion, test estimate angles and distances. Specifics of navigation in people with visual impairment, partial attempts to navigate. Specifics of motor learning for the visually impaired. 10. Kreistorball, small motion games. Riding a cycle, tandem cycling, skating, and athletics. 11. People with mental disabilities - possible activities for mentally disabled recommendation for use. The causes of disability, small games, demonstrations, practical application. 12. Outdoor activities - biking, hiking, outdoor games, etc. Within the integrated physical education. Discussion on problems and seminar work. 13. Consultation with practitioners in schools, teachers or coaches of youth and adults with disabilities. 14. Credit test, evaluation of teaching

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim of the study-unit is to provide students with knowledge and skills in physical activities by persons with various types of disabilities so that graduates of the course could convey the necessary knowledge and skills to persons with disabilities so that those participants take part in various forms of application of physical activities. It also seeks to demonstrate the spectrum of selected activities to manage, organize their operations and decisions. It is also envisaged acquisition of such competencies to be able to carry out full-fledged programs for groups affected and the intact portion of the population. The focus of attention is moving through the specification of disability and the potential use of physical activity as a means of socialization and resocialization. Students should also obtain knowledge of the legislative and institutional arrangements for specific teaching or leisure activities for people with disabilities. For selected activities creates awareness of potential hazards associated with their improper application. Practical exercises will also affect the interpretation and application of rules, methods, organization of competitions. Selected activities are practical exercises. Considerable attention is paid to notice the key points of applied physical activities, the issue of physical education, safety during educational process and recreational pursuit. Attention is drawn and awareness of the importance of the application of physical activities to cultivate a healthy lifestyle and improve the overall quality of life. Students should acquire knowledge, in what ways and how it is possible to seek the inclusion of pupils or adults with disabilities in activities with other members. They will have clear issues of integration and inclusion.
By the end of the study-unit student will be able to: - Provide the basis for a possible spectrum and method of operation of physical activities with regard to the specifics of disability, - Organize traffic in the completed range of activities, - Decide the game in select games - Oriented in basic leadership training units of persons with disabilities in the presence of others. - Use transfer from other activities, - Be familiar with the basic terminology, abilities and needs of any disabled participants. - Use the acquired skills for possible future expansion of knowledge and skills in the subject. - Specify basic skill levels of participants; determine the necessary spatial and material conditions for the operation of physical activity of people with disabilities. - Analyze the ability of persons with disabilities and modify the content of teaching applied to match the capabilities optimum involvement of all stakeholders of education. - Have an overview of the institutional security operation of physical activity of people with disabilities, - Be familiar with the basic educational legislation and can retrieve information on the possible nature of the involvement of people with disabilities into education together with the intact portion of the child population. - Can describe the basic risks for people with disabilities resulting from improper application of physical activities.
The student finished a subject sport with disabled

Assessment methods and criteria
Attendance 80%, seminar work by the assigned topic and its presentation, participation in decision-making and organization of teaching, the successful completion of the test (in particular, the possible applications of physical activities within a specified disability, rules, technique, tactics and methodology of memorized activities, legal framework applications activities for secondary school pupils with disabilities, anchoring the specifics of the Curriculum and the possibility of transferring to the terms of the SEP, competitions, medical restrictions).
Recommended literature
  • Časopis: Aplikované pohybové aktivity v teorii a praxi.
  • Evropská charta sportu pro všechny: zdravotně postižené osoby.. Praha: Ministerstvo mládeže a tělovýchovy, 1996.
  • Studijní opora.
  • Bartoňová, R., & Ješina, O. Individuální vzdělávací plán ve školní tělesné výchově.. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, Fakulta tělesné kultury., 2012.
  • Bláha, L., & Pyšný, L. Provozování pohybových aktivit zrakově handicapovanou populací.. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně., 2000.
  • Bláha, L. Goalball - hra jen pro zrakově handicapované? Tělesná výchova a sport mládeže, 62. 1996.
  • Bláha, L. Náměty k začlenění žáka se zrakovým postižením do provozování vybraných pohybových aktivit. Ústí nad Labem: PF, 2020. ISBN 978-80-7561-240-3.
  • Bláha, L. Pohybové aktivity a zrakové postižení - problémy a možnosti.. Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela, Pedagogická fakulta., 2010.
  • Bláha, L. Pohybové aktivity osob se zrakovým postižením z pohledu výzkumů v České republice. Studia Kinanthropologica, 13. 2012.
  • Bláha, L. Principy a náměty pro aplikaci vybraných pohybových her s účastníky se zrakovým nebo jiným zdravotním postižením. Aplikované pohybové aktivity v teorii a praxi, 1. 2010.
  • Bláha, L. Vybrané studie k uplatňování pohybových aktivit u osob se zrakovým postižením.. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně, Pedagogická fakulta., 2011.
  • Bucher, W. Spiel- und Űbungsformen für Behinderte.. Schorndorf: Verlag Hofmann., 1997.
  • Canales, L. K., & Lytle, R. K. Physical activities for young people with severe disabilities.. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics., 2011.
  • Davis, R. W. Inclusion through sports.. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics., 2002.
  • Janečka, Z., Bláha, L. et al. Motor competence in visually impaired persons. Olomouc: UP, 2019. ISBN 978-80-244-5554-9.
  • Janečka, Z. et al. Vybrané kapitoly ze sportu osob se zdravotním postižením.. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, Fakulta tělesné kultury., 2012.
  • Ješina, O., & Hamřík, Z. et al. Podpora aplikovaných pohybových aktivit v kontextu volného času.. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, Fakulta tělesné kultury., 2011.
  • Ješina, O., & Kudláček, M. et al. Aplikovaná tělesná výchova.. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, Fakulta tělesné kultury., 2011.
  • Kudláček, M. & Ješina, O. Integrace žáků s tělesným postižením do školní tělesné výchovy.. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, Fakulta tělesné kultury., 2008.
  • Kudláček, M. Ješina, O., Machová, I., & Válek, J. Základy aplikovaných pohybových aktivit.. Olomouc: FTK UP, 2013.
  • Kudláček, M. Aplikované pohybové aktivity osob s tělesným postižením. 1. vyd. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. ISBN 978-80-244-3938-9.. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, Fakulta tělesné kultury., 2007. ISBN 978-80-244-3938-9.
  • Kudláček, M., Ješina, O., Bláha, L., & Janečka, Z. Kompetence učitelů tělesné výchovy ve vztahu k integraci žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami ve školní tělesné výchově. Tělesná kultura, 33. 2010.
  • Lieberman, L. J., & Houston-Wilson, C. Strategies for Inclusion.. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics., 2009.
  • Müller, O. a kol. Dítě se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami.. Olomouc: VUP., 2001.
  • Renotiérová, M., & Ludíková, L. et al. Speciální pedagogika.. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, Pedagogická fakulta., 2005.
  • Válková, H. Speciální olympiády.. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého., 1998.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester