Course: Seniors and physical activities (yoga, golf)

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Course title Seniors and physical activities (yoga, golf)
Course code KTV/Q528
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Škopek Martin, PhDr. Ph.D.
  • Vaněčková Jitka, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Topics covered within the content of the subject yoga: 1. Yoga system, basic pillars 2. Sarva Hita Asana, composition "Khatu pranam" 3. Sarva Hita Asanas, Pranayama, Section I 4. Sarva Hita Asana, Pranayama, II. section 5. Sarva Hita Asana, Pranayama, III. section 6. Asanas - influencing the torso, bandhas 7. Asanas - influencing the upper limbs, mudras 8. Asanas - affecting the lower limbs, 9. Asanas - respiratory system, yoga nidra 10. Asanas - coordination, balance 11. Asanas - concentration, relaxation, meditation 12. Asanas - CNS and vegetative nervous system 13. Asanas - internal systems 14. Sets "Greeting to the Sun", "Greeting to the Moon" Topics covered in the content of the subject tai - chi: 1. Introduction, content of teaching, goals, safety and ethics in tai chi 2. Origin and development of tai - chi 3. Health aspects of tai-chi 4. Concepts and terminology of tai-chi 5. General and specific warm-up with a focus on tai-chi 6. Strategies and tactics in tai chi (demonstrations) 7. Basic attitudes 8. The principle of jin-jung 9. Warming up - 8 pieces of brocade 10. Chi-kung exercises 11. Basic medical form of tai-chi - Jung style 12. Relaxation exercises 13. Outputs of students - demonstration of the basic set 14. Outputs of students - demonstration of the basic set, credits Topics covered within the content of the course golf: 1. Basic holding of a golf club, basic golf swing practice 2. Training and improving the basics of swing technique 3. Training and improvement of swing technique with different types of sticks (iron 5-9) 4. Training and improvement of swing technique with different types of sticks (iron 5-9) 5. Basics of holding a putter, practice of putting 6. Training and improvement of putting 7. Training and improving putting, playing on the field 8. Short game - chip and pitch (basics of swing with PW and SW sticks) 9. Training and improvement with PW and SW sticks (chip and pitch) 10. Training and improvement with PW and SW sticks (chip and pitch), playing on the field 11. Long game (basics of swing with sticks type - 3, 4, 5, hybrid, wood) 12. Training and improvement with sticks type - 3, 4, 5, hybrid, wood 13. Playground game, tournament 14. Credit test of golf rules

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The course aims to master the techniques of breathing individual asanas and relaxation in the field of yoga, increasing the range of motion. Furthermore, the aim is to acquaint students with the basic concepts and principles appearing in tai chi, with its strategy, tactics and ethics. The content of the seminar also includes the health aspects of these exercises. By completing the course, the student will gain an overview of basic yoga techniques and basic knowledge in the field of tai chi and their use in practice.
The student masters the techniques of individual asanas and tai chi, breathing and relaxation. The student knows the basic yoga sets and basic sets of tai chi. By completing the course, the student will gain a comprehensive overview of the system of yoga and tai chi. The student will be able to perform basic types of golf shots. The student will know the basic areas of golf rules and golf etiquette.
The student masters the basics of movement exercises and basic gymnastics The student masters the basics of batting games.

Assessment methods and criteria
Attendance and active participation in seminars (80%). Practical demonstration of the set, written preparation of the exercise unit (yoga and tai chi). Practical demonstration of basic strokes and a written credit test of the rules (golf).
Recommended literature
  • Ancient Golf Club. Ilustrovaná pravidla golfu. Praha: Kargomedia, 1999.
  • Ancient golf club. Ilustrovaná pravidla golfu. Praha, 1999.
  • Bartoňová, M. Jóga. Praha: SPN, 1971.
  • Bělohubý, J. Procházka, L. Golf v kostce. Praha: Unigolf, 1994.
  • Bělohubý, J. Procházka, L. Golf v kostce. Praha, 2004.
  • Craig, E. Naučte se hrát gol za víkend. Praha: Kargomedia, 2006.
  • Craig, E. Golfový lékař. Praha: Kargomedia, 2004.
  • Craig, E. Golfový lékař. Praha, 2004.
  • Craig, E. Naučte se hrát golf za víkend. Praha, 2006.
  • Craig, E. Perfektní pat. Praha: Kargomedia, 2006.
  • Craig, E. Perfektní putt. Praha, 2006.
  • ČGF. Pravidla golfu.
  • Fryer, A., Moris, K. Hrajte golf i hlavou. Praha: Kargomedia, 2008.
  • Fryer, A., Moris, K. Hrajte golf i hlavou. Praha, 2008.
  • Hyder, R. Golf ? od základu k dokonalosti. Brno: Alpress, 2006.
  • Hyder, R. Golf ? od základu k dokonalosti. Brno, 2006.
  • Jwing-ming Yang. Základy tai-chi chi-kung: Tchaj -Ťi Čchi - Kung pro zdraví a bojová umění. Praha: CadPress, 2011.
  • Kolbing, A., Steinfurth, A. Golf ? krátká hra. Praha: Kopp, 2007. ISBN 80-7232-275-3.
  • Kolbing, A., Steinfurth, A. Golf - krátká hra. Praha, 2007.
  • Lawrenson, D. Golf a jeho technika. . Praha: Kargomedia, 2007.
  • Lawrenson, D. Golf a jeho technika. Praha, 2007.
  • Niklaus, J. 55 návodů jak snížit Váš handicap. Praha, 1998.
  • Paramahans Svámi Mahéšvaránanda. Jóga pro děti. Olomouc, 1991.
  • Paramahans Svámi Mahéšvaránanda. Jóga v denním životě. Brno, 1990.
  • Šedivý, J. Jóga očima lékaře. Opava, 1990.
  • Tichanovský, B. Tai-chi. Praha: Eminent, 2018.
  • Votava, J. Ucelená rehabilitace osob se zdravotním postižením.. Praha: Karolinum, 2005.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester