Course: Hiking course (summer)

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Course title Hiking course (summer)
Course code KTV/Q5211
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Louka Oto, PaedDr. CSc.
  • Hnízdil Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Definition and characteristics of basic concepts: kinanthropology (K), physical culture (HM), physical education (TV), sports (S), and recreation movement (PR). Establishment and development of S, TV, PR. World and European institutional structures in S, TV, PR. General institutional aspects of TV, S, PR, public administration and education in the Czech Republic. EU-S, TV, PR / European Charter for Sport., European Charter on Sport for All, etc. /. Economics, commercialization in sports and TV. Ecological aspects of TV, S, PR. Recreation Movement, movement mode and the method. Specificity North region with respect to S, TV, PR. Definition and characteristics of basic concepts: kinanthropology (K), physical culture (HM), physical education (TV), sports (S), and recreation movement (PR). Establishment and development of S, TV, PR. World and European institutional structures in S, TV, PR. General institutional aspects of TV, S, PR, public administration and education in the Czech Republic. EU-S, TV, PR / European Charter for Sport., European Charter on Sport for All, etc. /. Economics, commercialization in sports and TV. Ecological aspects of TV, S, PR. Recreation Movement, movement mode and the method. Specificity North region with respect to S, TV, PR.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
Mastering the basics of hiking and climbing on secured roads in mountains.
The student masters the theory and practice of hiking VHT, eg preparation and management of tours, optimal technique of movement and orientation in velehorském terrain, climbing on secured tracks, via ferrata.
Mastering the basics of hiking and rockclimbing.

Assessment methods and criteria
Seminar work, min. text range 2 x A4, exit at the seminar 15 minutes., knowledge of the theory of sport, physical education and recreation in the range of lectures.
Recommended literature
  • Boštíková, S. Vysokohorská turistika.
  • DOLEŽAL, T. ,MÁLEK,P. Ekologické aspekty TV a sportu a turistiky. Praha: Karolinum,2000..
  • LOCHMANOVÁ,L., MAZAL,F. Učitel tělesné výchovy mezi paragrafy. l. Vyd. Olomouc Hanex, 1998. ISBN 80 85783-21-5.
  • LOUKA, O. Základy skalního lezení. Ústí n.L., 2012.
  • Louka, O. aj. Základy turistiky a sportů v přírodě.
  • PROCHÁZKA, V. ,aj. Horolezectví, 1. přep. vyd. Praha ,Olympia, 1990.
  • SCHRANG, K. Horská turistika. 1997.
  • SCHUBERT, P. Bezpečnost a riziko na skále, sněhu a ledu. I. a II.. Plzeň: Kletr, 1997. ISBN 80-850822-27X.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester