Course: Applied gymnastics

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Course title Applied gymnastics
Course code KTV/Q511
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kabešová Hana, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Muscle balance excercise and excercise for development of optimal posture compensation excercise. 2. Acrobatic training strengthening excercises, excercise for reflective practise, excercise for rebound practice, rotation, plank excercises, and balance excercises. 3. Acrobatic training with equipment and tools. 4. Floor excercises (individual, pair, groups) walk, runs, leaps and turns. 5. Excercise with equipment bars, fitballs, weights. 6. Excercise on equipment benches, wall bars, climbing ropes. 7. Excercise on equipment - trapeze, rings, boxes 8. Jumps from a small trampoline. 9. Keep-fit excercises circuit training with music. 10. Exercise of regional musical movement relationships - elements of rhythmic gymnastics. 11. Music excercises based on dance. 12. Excercises with music and different equipment skipping ropes, fitballs. 13. Creation of small dance performance. 14. Credit week performance of trained dance.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the study-unit is to provide students with a broad stack of gymnastic exercises that can be applied in both physical education and sports practice. The study-unit includes elements of the curriculum of basic gymnastics, artistic gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics and dance. The teaching is guided discussion on preparations for the chosen theme of the individual training units.
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to: - Have created a reservoir of excercises for physical development and movement - Determine the physiological effect of gymnastic excercises. - Communicate in specialized terminology with practicioners. - Explain the basic techniques of selected elements. - Give a safe help to his participants in selected elements. - Master the basics of creation and choreography. - Be familiar with the musical movement relations. - Handle the requirements for various dance competitions in various areas (MG, TeamGym, and Aerobic) and others. - Use wide skills and knowledges to lead the practitioners to their own creativity.
There are no specific requirements.

Assessment methods and criteria
Participation during seminars 80%. Didactic teaching preparation and excercise leadership according to given topic. Submissions of seminar work on given topic. Gymnastics performance.
Recommended literature
  • Appelt, K. et. al. Názvosloví pro cvičitele.. Praha: Olympia., 1989.
  • Bonuš, J., & Bonušová, J. Jednoduché country tance. Popisy, video a CD.. Praha: Dvorana., 2000.
  • Bursová, M. Kompenzační cvičení.. Praha: Grada, 2005.
  • Czichoschewski, H. et al. Perfektní bodystyling.. Praha: Grada., 2005.
  • Hájková, J., & Vejražková, D. Základní gymnastika.. Praha: Karolinum., 2005.
  • Jarkovská, H., & Jarkovská, M. Posilování s vlastním tělem 417 krát jinak. Praha: Grada., 2005.
  • Jarkovská, H., & Wálová, Z. (. Gymnastika pro moderní ženu.. Praha: Olympia., 1990.
  • Jarkovská, H. Tvorba choreografie.. Praha: Fit klub HJ., 1997.
  • Knížetová, V., & Kos, B. Strečink, relaxace, dýchání.. Praha: Olympia., 1989.
  • Kolektiv autorů. Gymnastika.. Praha: Karolinum., 2009.
  • Kostková, J. et al. Rytmická gymnastika.. Praha: Olympia, 1990.
  • Krištofič, J. Gymnastická průprava sportovce.. Praha: Grada., 2004.
  • Krištofič, J. Nářaďová gymnastika.. Praha: ČOS., 2008.
  • Macáková, M. Aerobik.. Praha: Grada, 2001.
  • Mihule, J., & Šťastná, D. Rytmická gymnastika.. Praha: UK FTVS., 1993.
  • Novotná et. al. Tvorba pohybové skladby.. Praha: ČASPV., 1998.
  • Novotná, V. et. al. Gymnastika jako tvůrčí akt.. Praha: Karolinum, 2012.
  • Novotná, V. et al. Rytmická gymnastika a pohybová skladba.. 2011.
  • Novotná, V. Pohybová skladba.. Praha: Karolinum., 1999.
  • Odstrčil, P. Sportovní tanec.. Praha: Grada., 2004.
  • Rychtecký, A. & Fialová, L. Didaktika školní tělesné výchovy.. Praha: Karolinum., 1998.
  • Skopová, M. & Beránková, J. Aerobik - kompletní průvodce.. Praha: Grada., 2008.
  • Skopová, M., & Blahušová, E. Rytmické druhy gymnastiky v pohybové rekreaci.. Praha: FTVS UK., 1991.
  • Skopová, M. & Zítko, M. Základní gymnastika.. Praha: Karolinum., 2008.
  • Soumar, L. et al. Posilování v aerobiku.. Praha: Fit klub HJ., 1999.
  • Sutcliffe, J. Pružné a zdravé tělo.. Praha: Euromedia Grup., 2004.
  • Svatoň, V. et al. Gymnastika: Akrobacie a cvičení na nářadí.. Praha: NS Svoboda., 1997.
  • Toufarová, H. Aerobik s dětmi.. Olomouc: Hanex., 2003.
  • Vašák, J. Country tance.. Praha: Presston., 1995.
  • Vašák, J. Country tance.. Praha: Presston., 1995.
  • Veselý, J. Latinsko-americké tance. DP a videozáznam.. Ústí n. L.: UJEP., 2004.
  • Wainwright, L. V rytmu tance.. Praha: Ikar., 2006.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester