Course: Theory and organisation of swimming

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Course title Theory and organisation of swimming
Course code KTV/Q3422
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Vaněčková Jitka, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Obsahem výuky v kontaktních blocích jsou zejména témata, která jsou v anotaci uvedena tučným písmem/technika všech čtyř plaveckých způsobů). Ostatní témata budou předmětem samostatného studia na základě studijních opor, povinné a doporučené literatury a zejména pak studijní opory uvedené na adrese: Zpětná vazba probíhá kontrolou znalostí během konzultací. Kontakt se studenty je také zajištěn prostřednictvím webových stránek pracoviště ( a může být po dohodě upřesněn na stránkách vyučujícího ( K zaznamenávání studijních výsledků je využíván informační systém školy.Workshop topics: - Introduction to the subject, credit requirements, study literature, safety principles. - Initial swimming performance test. - Improving crawl technique. - Improving character technique. - Improving breast technique. - Improving the bow tie technique - lower limb activity. - Improving the bow tie technique - upper limb activity, breathing. - Improving the technique of bow tie - interplay, turn. - Improving the technique of starting jump and turns. - Development of technology in the aerobic load regime I., II., III. - Use of digital technologies in swimming. - Special swimming training to save the drowning person, personal intervention. - Teaching evaluation - fulfillment of credit requirements. Joint consultation topics: - Introduction to the subject, meaning, tasks and goals of swimming. - History of swimming, world development, international federations, swimming competitions, organization of swimming in the Czech Republic. - Biomechanics of swimming-hydrostatics, physical properties of water, environmental resistance. - Application of knowledge from hydrodynamics in swimming lessons and in assessing the effectiveness of swimming techniques. - Stages of swimming training - swimming training according to age, Basic swimming skills - methodology, safety. - Swimming aids and their use in different age, skill and performance categories. - Swimming rules - FINA. - Crawl swimming technique, starting jump, turns, rules. - Swimming technique, emblem, starting jump, turns, rules. - Breaststroke swimming technique, starting jump, turn, rules. - Butterfly swimming technique, starting jump, turns, rules. - Sports swimming - stages of sports training, selection of talents. - Basics of water rescue. - Selected problems from the technique of swimming methods, evaluation of teaching.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
  • unspecified - 7 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The study-unit extends and develops swimming prowess by developing stamina and improve individual design of swimming techniques and methods for curriculum purposes butterfly technique provides a theoretical and practical foundations rescue swimming. Teaching provides theoretical knowledge of the biomechanics of swimming, sports swimming training and other areas of the sport of swimming.
Dominate the practical and theoretical basics of the subject. Demonstrated knowledge and skills: After completing the course: - able to reach the specified performance level in swimming methods, - is able to demonstrate the technique of swimming methods and skills without serious mistakes, - can define key points in individual swimming cycles, - practically and theoretically masters the basics of water rescue, - has an overview of the history and organization of swimming in the Czech Republic and abroad. - is able to apply knowledge of hydrodynamics in assessing the effectiveness of swimming techniques, - is familiar with the basic terminology of swimming, - uses the acquired competencies for further possible expansion of knowledge and skills in the field, - has an overview of swimming rules according to FINA.
Practical techniques of mastering all four race modes, meeting performance levels

Assessment methods and criteria
active participation in direct teaching from 80% (60% of practical participation) - compliance with limits: Men women 400 m crawl 8:45 400 m crawl swim 200 m position race 5:00 100 m position race 2:30 25 m under water 20 m under water Saving the drowning Saving the drowning
Recommended literature
  • :, Pravidla plavání a dálkového plavání. 2010. 2010.
  • Colwin, C. ). Breakthrough swimming. 2002. Human Kinetics., 2002.
  • COUNSILMAN,J.E. Závodní plavání. Praha Olympia. 1974.
  • Čechovská, I., & Miler, T. Plavání.Praha :Grada Publishing, 2008. Praha Grada Publishing, 2008.
  • Čechovská, I., Jurák, D., & Pokorná, J. Plavání pohybový trénink ve vodě. 2012. Praha Karolinium, 2012.
  • Čechovská, I., Jurák, D., & Pokorná. Plavání pohybový trénink ve vodě.. Praha, Karolinium, 2012.
  • Dovalil, J. Výkon a trénink ve sportu. 2009. Praha: Olympia., 2009.
  • Giehrl, J., & Hahn, M. Plavání. 2005. České Budějovice: Kopp., 2005.
  • HAVEL,Z., HNÍZDIL,J., aj. Rozvoj a diagnostika rychlostních schopností 2010. PF UJEP, 2010.
  • HAVEL,Z., HNÍZDIL,J., aj. Rozvoj a diagnostika silových schopností. Ústí n. L., 2009. Ústí n. L., PF UJEP, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7414-189-8.
  • HOFER, Z. Organizace plaveckých závodů. Praha: FTVS UK, 1991..
  • Hofer, Z. Technika plaveckých způsobů. 2011. Praha Karolinium, 2011.
  • Hofer, Z. Technika plaveckých způsobů 2011. Praha, Karolinium, 2011.
  • HOCH. M. a kol. Plavání- teorie a didaktika. Praha SPN, 1985. 1985.
  • CHOUTKA, M., DOVALIL, J. Sportovní trénink.2.vyd. Praha : Olympia,1991. 1991.
  • Maglisho, E. Swimming fastest. 2003. Human Kinetics., 2003.
  • MOTYČKA.J. Teorie a didaktika plavání. Brno: PF MU. 1991.
  • PUŠ. J. ET AL. Plavání., Praha: Asociace plaveckých škol ČR, 1996. 1996.
  • SVOZIL,Z. Vyučovat plaveckým způsobům v celku nebo po částech?, TVSM č. 5, 1999.
  • Sweetenham, W. & Atkinson, J. Championship swim training. 2006. Human Kinetics., 2006.
  • ŠVEC, j. Technika a didaktika plavání. Hradec Králové, Gaudeamus, 1996.
  • Thomas, D. Swimming : steps to success (3rd ed.) 2005. Human Kinetics., 2005.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester