Course: Floorball - Softball

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Course title Floorball - Softball
Course code KTV/Q1611
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Škopek Martin, PhDr. Ph.D.
  • Kresta Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Topics: Softball Student requirements: 1, Attendance 75% (1 absence) 2, Preparation for a softball lesson for primary and secondary school students 3, Rules, theory and methodology of softball 4, Practical tests (hitting the ball, pitching, pitching, catching) Content: 1. Interpretation of the rules, basic stick handling, dribbling, ball handling. 2. Ball handling and passing. 3. Shooting 4. Release with and without the ball, hitting and passing 5. Occupying a player with and without the ball, defending the area (defensive HČJ) 6. Credits (test and practical) Decision-making, match management, organization. You can find all materials and examples of individual tests in the Moodle system here: In the case of the combined form, the study is divided into blocks, which are condensed into topics one and three in the case of softball and 1 and 5 in the case of floorball, while the test and evaluation is carried out outside the framework of workshops after the end of self-study. Emphasis is placed on the presentation and selected skills and their presentation within the match as well as in connection with the clarification of the wording of the rules of the games and the operation of the match. It is necessary to master the rules entirely within the framework of self-study. You can rely on the rules More detailed wording of the rules on the respective websites of sports associations: The student completes the same credit requirements with differences in class participation.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the study-unit is to provide students with knowledge and practical skills of practicing sports games and other motion games, which can be seen in our country for less common. The course is practical action-oriented cultivation of motor skills, which are considered essential for the operation of the group of children, youth and adults at the recreational level, beginning level of performance. Practical exercises are associated with the interpretation of the rules, methodology, organization of competitions, etc. Attention is also paid to the key points of the training, safety during educational process and recreational pursuit. Teaching consists of practical activities in order to increase the level of playing skills of selected types of sports - motion games. The content of teaching are mainly practical activities that are more based on the training process, the emphasis is on knowledge and its application of rules, methodologies and solutions to bottlenecks during training.
Learning Knowledge and Outcomes: By the end of the study-unit Student will be able to: 1. Organize traffic in the completed range of games 2. Decide the game at recreational or otherwise oriented physical education, 3. Define key points to improve playing skills in selected games and explain the reasons for these interventions under cultivation gaming skills 4. Prepare, lead training unit containing games 5. Use the transfer of other physical games, 6. Apply variable operation of games with regard to the level of playing skills of participants, spatial and material conditions. 7. Be familiar with basic terminology select games 8. Define prerequisites for the successful operation of selected games. 9. Use the acquired skills for possible future expansion of knowledge and skills in the subject. 10. Specify basic skill levels of participants, determine the necessary spatial and material conditions for the operation of selected games. 11. Do overview of the institutional security operation selected games. 12. Describe the possibility of influencing the participants through the operation of games in terms of the development of motor skills, socialization of people like. 13. Demonstrate selected gaming skills

Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation on study-unit, successfully implemented the decision of the selected physical game, demonstrating knowledge of the basic rules of the games in terms of their possible implementation in recreational environments. Positive evaluation theory test from the area of rules, techniques, tactics and methodology memorized in physical games. Attendance of 80%. Floorball (credit requirements: 1, Preparation for a floorball lesson for primary school pupils (2nd grade) according to the assignment (group). 2, Rules of floorball - credit test 3, Practical skills for credit (Ball handling - figure eight, Passing from movement, Shooting and driving the ball from backhand and forehand) You can find all materials and examples of individual tests in the Moodle system here:
Recommended literature
  • Stránky České baseballové asociace:.
  • Stránky České softballové asociace:.
  • Studijní opora.
  • Bláha, L. Pohybová hra a vztah dominantního a submisivního jedince ve třídě (1 část). Tělesná výchova a sport mládeže. 2003.
  • Bláha, L. Pohybová hra a vztah dominantního a submisivního jedince ve třídě (2 část). Tělesná výchova a sport mládeže.. 2003.
  • Bláha, L. Základy provozování vybraných pohybových her.. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J. E. Purkyně, Pedagogická fakulta., 2005.
  • Karczmarczyk, R. Florbal: učebnice nejen pro trenéry.. Brno, Computer Press., 2006.
  • Skružný, Z. a kol. Florbal.. Praha: Grada., 2004.
  • Süss, V. Softball a baseball.. Praha: Grada., 2003.
  • Táborský, F. Sportovní hry II.. Praha: Grada., 2005.
  • Táborský, F. Sportovní hry.. Praha: Grada., 2004.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester