Course: Physical education (didactics, kindergarten)

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Course title Physical education (didactics, kindergarten)
Course code KTV/Q1516
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Cihlář David, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Motor skills, physical exercises and physical education of preschool children. 2. Conception, content and conditions of physical education in programme of nursery school 3. Goals and tasks of physical education of preschool children. 4. Phases, organisation and methods of motor teaching in nursery school. 5. Motor skills, physical fitness of children and other competence in area of physical education in preschool age. 6. Phases od development of gross and soft motor skills of children in preschool age. 7. Cognitive and affective connection of motor skills in preschool age. 8. Evaluation of motor development and effectiveness of motor learning in the term of physical education in nursery school. 9. Educational framework in preschool education. 10. Content of physical education in terms of motor activities in nursery school. Organizational forms of P.E. in Nursery school. 11. Thematic plans, preparations. Fundamental and specific principles of physical educational process on Nursery school. Didactic managing styles in nursery. Working procedures and methods of children's cultivation. 12. Personality of teacher in P.E. in nursery. Assumptions of students in preschool age for motor development. Motor skills. Motor learning in preschool children. 13. Motor skills of children, development of assumptions for motor efficiency and fitness. Evaluation of motor, physical and social development of children in area of P.E. 14. Day and motor regime of pupils, lifestyle, P.E as psychosocial prevention, roles of nursery school. Safety in P.E. and sport of preschool children. Revision of findings before examination.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
  • unspecified - 6 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 32 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 20 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 30 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The aim of the subject is to present students actual knowledge in the range of didactics of P.E. of pre-school children. Next aim is to connect general didactics of P.E. of pre-school children with knowledge from other practical and theoretical subjects connected with didactics and knowledge from own experience. Competences of teachers during individual project creation and thematic plans will be emphasised, The students will write project related to taught curriculum. The work is continuously consulted and evaluated. Final work can be discussed during seminars.
Student will know the system of knowledge and skills for leadership of P.E. in terms of educational programmes. Student will be able to apply theoretical and practical findings in fulfilment of goals of P.E. of children in preschool age and conditions in nursery school. Student will be able to orientate theoretically and practically in effect of P.E. on preschool children.
Knowledge of theoretical and practical P.E. subjects. Ability to use it in this subject.

Assessment methods and criteria
Submission of seminar work on given topic. Active participation on seminars. Pass the examination. Study material available on:
Recommended literature
  • ANDERSONOVÁ, J. et al. Dobrý start do školy. Jak můžete připravit vašemu dítěti dobrý vstup do školy.. Praha: Portál, 1993. ISBN 80-85282-66-6.
  • BARTŮNĚK, D. Hry v přírodě s malými dětmi.. Praha: Portál, 2001.
  • BERDYCHOVÁ, J. et al. Tělesná výchova nejmladšího žactva.. Praha: STN, 1962.
  • BERDYCHOVÁ, J. et al. Tělesná výchova pro pedagogické školy.. Praha: SPN, 1976.
  • BOROVÁ, B. et al. Cvičíme s malými dětmi.. Praha: Portál, 1998.
  • BRUCEOVÁ, T. Předškolní výchova.. Praha: Portál, 1996. ISBN 80-7178-068-5.
  • DOSTÁL, A. & OPRAVILOVÁ, E. Úvod do předškolní pedagogiky.. Praha: SPN, 1985.
  • DVOŘÁKOVÁ, H. Běžecká dovednost, aerobní zdatnost a její testování u dětí.. 1995.
  • DVOŘÁKOVÁ, H. Je možné testovat zdatnost šestiletých dětí?. 1994.
  • DVOŘÁKOVÁ, H. Tělesná výchova v mateřské škole.. Praha: Naše vojsko, 1989.
  • HAVLÍNOVÁ, M. et al. Zdravá mateřská škola.. 1995. ISBN 80-7178-048-0.
  • JUKLÍČKOVÁ-KRESTOVSKÁ, Z. et al. Pohybové hry dětí předškolního věku.. Praha: SPN, 1987.
  • JUNGER, J. Telesný a pohybový rozvoj detí predškolského veku.. Prešov: Slovenská vedecká spoločnosť pre telesnú výchovu a šport, 2000. ISBN 80- 8068- 003-5.
  • SMÍTKOVÁ, Z. Cvičíme s dětmi.. Praha: STN, 1962.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester