Course: Sports gymnastics

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Course title Sports gymnastics
Course code KTV/Q126
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kabešová Hana, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Content of the course males: 1. Introduction to the course, aims and tasks of the semester, schedule of leading initiative and training parts of the lesson, technical training for SG. 2. terminology of acrobatic exercises, acrobacy front roll and back roll in various modifications, handstand, help and saving. 3. Methodical series, acrobacy side flip and front flip, practicing back flip (H + S) 4. Low bar - basic exercises, slow circle to rest, circles, underflip (H + S) 5. Low bar stride stem, upstart, skrčka 6. Rules of SG, small trampoline leap up, bounces, front roll, front somersault 7. Seminar about terminology, jump over skrčka se zášvihem, control of the skills4 8. Evaluation in SG practical use, rings technika kmíhání, wing over to the front, backlift legs apart, bodybuilding heave sterm 9. Rings during swing technique of swinging, revet hang, headlong, jump down by backlift 10. Terminology exercising on tools and acrobacy 11. rules of sports gymnastics (basics), functions of referee (A and B referee) 12. Preparation and organization of championship of the faculty, deciding on championships of PF 13. Control tests of exercises and series of exercises, practice help and saving 14. Terminoology test, practical credit requirements Content of the course- females: 1. Introduction to the course, aims and tasks. Floor exercises rolls and side flips, handstand. Balancing bar dance moves, turnarounds. 2. Rings during swing swinging, turnarounds in frontswing and backswing. Bar slow circle to the rest, přešvih. Small trampoline direct jumps, kotoul letmo, 3. Leapover skrčka, front stride circle. Big trampoline series of 3 different direct jumps 4. Floor exercises rondát, kotoul letmo, gymnastic series of exercises. Bar stride-stem. Balance bar Balance bar leap up, leap down direct or by frontflip. 5. Bar back circle, underflip from standing position. Small trampoline front somersault with help. Big trampoline jumps into low positions. 6. Balance bar rolls and jumps. Bar back circle, underflip. Leapover skrčka se závšihem 7. Rings during swing chin-up during frontswing, revet hang during backswing. 8. Leap over, skrčka se zášvihem s oddalováním můstku. Balance bar rolls, balances. Bar compulsory series of exercises. 9. Floor exercises mixed series, backflip. Rings during swing - u předhupu svis vznesmo, seskok zákmihem u předhupu nebo u záhupu. Big trampoline jumps with reversals 10. Floor exercises acrobatic series. Rings during swing compulsory series of exercises. Balance bar free series of exercises. Small trampoline front somersault from run 11. Floor exercises free series of exercises. Balance bar free series of exercises. Big trampoline series of exercises. 12. PF championship in free series of exercises: floor exercises, balance bar 13. Credit fulfilling: bar, rings, small trampoline 14. Credit fulfilling: bar, leapover, big trampoline

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the study-unit is to create prerequisites for understanding the importance of gymnastic skill in a physical development and movement of individuals and apply them in the PE process. Students will learn the basics of acrobatic excercises and excercices on an every single tool, methodical rows and helping. Didactic outcomes are focused on a preparation and conduction of the opening of the lesson, main part and the closure of the lesson. During the study.unit students will become familiar with the rules of gymnastics and with organizing competitions in gymnastics.
Student: - Knows terminology - Is bale to prepare and realize initiative and final part of gymnastic lesson - Can explain basic techniques of selected elements - Can give a proper help for selected elements - Can demonstrate selected elements of sports gymnastics
The student has met course credit from basic gymnastics.

Assessment methods and criteria
Credit requirements: 1. Theory: knowledge of terminology acrobatic exercises and exercises for tools, rescue and helping an organization of competitions in the sport. gymnastics. 2. Method of leadership introductory and preparatory part of the lesson, knowledge of methodological lines, 2x recording introductory and preparatory part of the lesson (with and without utensils), respectively. preparation of competition in the SG and decision-making in the competition (partial knowledge of the rules). 3. Practice: a report on one tool men reports on individual tools with Compulsorymi exercises: Acrobatics - handstand life 1 sec., Forward roll, cartwheel, half turn in the direction of motion, backward somersault pike into a handstand, weight předklonmo, starting 3-4 steps forward somersault, reflecting two legs casually roll. Trapeze low - all -vzepření vzklopmo TOC backward, forward, left přešvih únožmo (P) falls backward and arching jízdmo, přešvih únožmo back left (P), shrimp (suffixes). Vault - horse on projects - from start-up of shrimp zášvihu. Circles hupu - twice předhupu turnover of 180 st., Swish vznesmo, dive, jump backward somersault Trampoline small - salto forward. Trampoline big - 4 elements (jump to the low position and jump to turnover). women C) mandatory reports Trapeze her forehead - elusive, přešvih únožmo, TOC jízdmo, přešvih únožmo backward, TOC back and suffixes. Vault - shrimp. Circles hupu - the third předhupu entire left turn, u záhupu entire turnover right, at předhupu chin, u záhupu swish, swish vznesmo předhupu u, u záhupu au Vert předhupu jump zákmihem. Trampoline small - from start-front tuck. Trampoline big - three different straight jumps, jump in a low position and jump to turnover. D) Freestyle with Compulsorymi elements Floor Exercise - 3 Series - 1 acrobatic series (3 consecutive převratové various elements without intermediate steps), 1 gymnastic series (gymnastic jumps, balance, rotation of 360 degrees without intermediate steps), 1 mix series (gymnastic elements and acrobatic elements) - compulsory: handspring forward (backward), Ronda. Beam - 2 rows, turn 360 degrees, 2 equilibrium binding two jumps, jump handstand or somersault.
Recommended literature
  • Appelt, K. et al. Názvosloví pro cvičitele.. Praha: Olympia., 1989.
  • Appelt, K. et al. Základy názvosloví tělesných cvičení.. Praha: ATVS Palestra., 2004.
  • Česká gymnastická federace. Pravidla sportovní gymnastiky žen. 2013.
  • Fejtek, J., & Mazurovová, Z. Předsportovní průprava.. Praha: Olympia., 1990.
  • Horkel, V., & Horklová, H. Rozvoj koordinačních schopností v gymnastice. In Havel, Z. et al., Rozvoj a diagnostika koordinačních a pohyblivostních schopností. Banská Bystrica: PF Univerzita Mateja Bela., 2010.
  • Horkel.V., & Horklová, H. Silové schopnosti v gymnastice. In Havel, Z. et al., Rozvoj a diagnostika silových schopností. Ústí nad Labem: PF UJEP., 2009.
  • Hýlová, I. Základní přeskoky ve sportovní gymnastice (Videozáznam). Ústí n. L: KTV PF., 1995.
  • Kolská, D. Základní cvičení na kladině (Videozáznam). Ústí n. L: KTV PF., 2001.
  • Krištofič, J. et al. Gymnastika.. Gymnastika., 2003.
  • Krištofič, J. Gymnastická průprava sportovce.. Praha: Grada., 2004.
  • Krištofič, J. Kondiční trénink.. Praha: Grada., 2007.
  • Krištofič, J. Nářaďová gymnastika.. Praha: ČOS., 2008.
  • Kubička, J. et al. Vybrané kapitoly z teorie gymnastiky. Praha: Karolinum., 1993.
  • Svatoň, V. et al. Gymnastika: Akrobacie a cvičení na nářadí. Praha: NS Svoboda., 1997.
  • Svatoň, V., Zámostná, A. Gymnastika: Metodické listy cvičení v akrobacii a na nářadí.. Olomouc: HANEX., 1993.
  • Šopková, J. et al. Programované učební postupy přeskoků ve sportovní gymnastice. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci., 2001.
  • Trnková, I. Akrobatická cvičení (Videozáznam).. Ústí n. L: KTV PF., 2001.
  • Vacek, T. Cvičení na hrazdě (Videozáznam).. Ústí n. L: KTV PF., 2001.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester