Educational topics of workshops and self-study: 1. Introduction to the subject. Diagnostics by practical tests. Exercises for gaining control of the ball and "feeling" for the ball, individual manipulations of the ball. Demonstration of practical credits. P1 Playing surface (basic concepts). 2. ÚHČJ - guiding the ball (guiding, stepping on, jamming, covering), taking the ball, passing the inside of the foot, taking over the ball. PH 1: 1. P12 VK and Prohibited play and unsportsmanlike conduct (VK, offenses at PVK, practical demonstrations). 3. ÚHČJ - choice of place (release, approach, escape), throwing the ball. OHČJ - casting a player with and without a ball. 4. HS - basic arrangement and principles, ÚHS based on taking positions of players around a teammate with the ball, OHS - based on occupying space. HC and PH 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6. P12 VK and Prohibited play and unsportsmanlike conduct (offenses at NVK, practical demonstrations). 5. ÚHČJ - pass by inner instep, straight, outer instep, pass by head. ÚHS see lesson No. 3, OHS - zone defense against the gradual attack of the opponent. P12 (personal penalties, relation to gaming), P2 ball, P3 number of players, P4 gear. 6. ÚHČJ - Shooting from a place, after guiding the ball, shooting with the head, bypassing the opponent (throwing, swapping, short and long loop). OHČJ - occupancy of space. P5 referee - authority, change of verdict, non-start, end of the match. 7. HČJ - interconnection of individual HČJ in the form of PC, HC. ÚHK. P6 assistant referee - what he watches, signaling, movement, cooperation with the referee. 8. Repetition of lessons 1-7, diagnostics (tests, PH). P7 game time (setting, extend at PK), P8 game start, P9 ball in and out of game, P10 goal achievement. 9. ÚHČJ - Ball processing (contraction, damping). OHK. Interconnection of individual HČ in the form of PC, HC. P11 offside. 10. Goalkeeper game activities. P discussion of problematic rules. 11. ÚHS and OHS in the number of 11:11. (ÚHS - basics of the system of gradual attack, basics of the system of rapid counterattack, arrangement of players, OHS - systems (basics of the system of territorial defense, basics of the system of combined defense). 12. ÚHS and OHS in the number of 11:11. (ÚHS - basics of the system of gradual attack, basics of the system of rapid counterattack, arrangement of players, OHS - systems (basics of the system of territorial defense, basics of the system of combined defense). 13. Repetition of lessons 8-13. PH. Small forms of football. 14. Diagnostics tests, in-game assessment, game decision-making - credit lesson. Note: MOF = methodological and organizational forms, PC = preparatory exercises, HC = game exercises, PH = preparatory game, P = rule no. According to the Rules of football. HČJ = indiv. game activities, HK = group activities, HS = team activities
FAČR. Pravidla fotbalu (aktuální verze).
KOLLAH, E. Fotbal- technika a taktika hry.Praha: Grada, 2006.. Praha: Grada, 2006. ISBN 80-247-1336-5.
KRESTA, J. Futsal. Praha, 2009. ISBN 978-80-247-2534-5.
ONDŘEJ, O., BUZEK, M., NAVARA, M. Teorie a didaktika kopané. Praha, 1986.
Psotta, R., Bunc, V., & Jíra, M. Učební podmínky a tělesné zatížení v odlišných formách fotbalu u dětí mladšího školního věku. Česká kinantropologie.. 2000.
PSOTTA, R. Fotbal- kondiční trénink.. Praha: Grada, 2006. ISBN 80-247-0821-3.
VOTÍK, J. Trenér fotbalu B UEFA licence. Praha, 2006. ISBN 80-7033-921-7.
VOTÍK, J. ,ZALABÁK, J. Trenér fotbalu C licence. Plzeň, 2006. ISBN 80-7033-856-3.