Seminars and practical lessons: 1. Position of corresponding sports and games in the Czech system of physical education and sport. Educational background of sports and games on basicschools and high schools. Fusvolleyball game 2 + 2, rules. Shimball Czech game for basic and high school´s conditions. 2. Brennball suitable for recreative P.E. or for children. Basic principles of racket games. 3. Frisbee - Ultimate, game with flying disc basic principles, forms of Frisbee freestyle. 4. Ringo net game with rings. Indiaca net game with feathered ball. 5. Korfball throwing by the left and right hand, catching the ball with both hands and with one hand analysis from the video, basic shootings. Basic game rules - korfball nebo monokorfball. Introductory exercises. Korfball technique of shooting according to the video, blocked shooting, run towards the basket. Free throw and penalty throw penalty, game system. 6. Tchoukball usage in recreative and school conditions, basic rules and game principles. Tchoukball leading and ending the offense, shooting overhead, shooting underneath. Monopolar option. Tchoukball organization of the defence, complications, bipolar option. 7. Badminton - its position in sports and games system, its origin and development, racquet holding, introductory exercises for the right stroke technique, dribling. The rules of singles briefly. High service. Game according to brief rules. 8. Badminton introductory exercise for the right stroke technique, motion on the play-ground., short balls. Brief rules for doubles. Low service. Offence and Deffence clear. Motion on the court. 9. Badminton drop shot, smash, drive - technique. Rules complementation of singles and doubles. 10. Tournament of singles or doubles. Organizational frame of the matches. Badminton in conditions of educational institutions. 11. Softball - Baseball function and position of racquet games. Some introductory exercises suitable for softball a baseball. Game "All against all", "Knocking game", "Barborky". Throwing and catching the ball its technique, introductory exercises and games. 12. Softball - Baseball brief rules video analysis, introductory exercises and games for catching and throwing the ball. Basics of batting in softball stick control and swish work of the arms. Introductory exercises, Batting from the support. Game for throwing and catching the ball. 13. Evaluation of teaching these non-traditional games. Credits. Test from above mentioned sports and games. 14. Lesson for the tournament or match organisation.
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