Course: Didactics of Swimming

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Course title Didactics of Swimming
Course code KTV/7960
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 1
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Vaněčková Jitka, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Introduction to the subject, credit requirements, study literature, assignment of topics for pedagogical outputs. 2. Principles of safety and hygiene, the influence of the aquatic environment on the human organism. 3. The importance of swimming in human life 4. Overview of the development of swimming didactics. 5. General aspects of swimming lessons, teaching stages, goals of individual stages. 6. Preparatory swimming lesson - phase and content of the lesson. 7. Basic swimming skills. 8. Methodology of basic swimming training. 9. Organization and safety of swimming lessons, assistance and rescue. 10. Swimming games - meaning and use, aids. 11. Use of swimming in medical and therapeutic TV. 12. Specifics of training and technique of crawl swimming. 13. Training specifics and backstroke technique. 14. Training specifics and breaststroke technique.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
  • unspecified - 14 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 2 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
All topics from the theory and practice of swimming lessons at the 1st grade of elementary school are gradually discussed. The student demonstrates the competence to guide pupils in partial sections of the curriculum at the pedagogical output. These are games in the water in the introduction to methodical procedures, practice of movements for individual swimming methods and selected elements from used swimming (jumping into the water, diving, technique of approaching, assisting and rescuing the weakened and drowning). Using examples from teaching at schools, the student is introduced to the teacher's responsibility for various sections of the organization, or methodical assistance for fearful, weakened, etc. types of pupils who cannot immediately fit into the usual methodical procedures, as applied by individual swimming schools and commercial entities to which teaching is delegated by the school.
Student will be able to organise and lead safely teaching swimming in basic school. Student will demonstrate theoretical and practical orientation in fundamental aspects of teaching swimming. Student will understand specifics of training and technique of swim style. Student will be able to practically use knowledge in rescue of drowning person.
Physical, psychological and health requirements for graduation teaching in the pool in its entirety. Application of didactic knowledge for the preparation and conduct of swimming teaching unit.

Assessment methods and criteria
1. Attendance on seminars 80% 2. Positively evaluated pedagogical output with lesson plan. 3. Active participation on oral evaluation of other outputs. Study materials available on: Methodical performance - preparation, perfect organization. Guide the exercise, diagnose and analyse the errors and methodology of correction. Performance is evaluated by students and the teacher.
Recommended literature
  • BARTŮNĚK, D. Hry v přírodě s malými dětmi.. Praha: Portál, 2001.
  • BĚLKOVÁ, T. Didaktika plavecké výuky.. Praha: UK, 1994.
  • BĚLKOVÁ, T. et al. Plavání. Zdokonalovací plavecká výuka.. Praha: NS Svoboda, 1998.
  • BĚLKOVÁ, T. Plavání v pohybovém režimu zdravotně oslabených a tělesně postižených. 1.vyd.. Praha: UK, 1988.
  • BĚLKOVÁ, T. Zdravotní plavání a léčebné plavání.. Praha: Karolinum, 1994.
  • ČECHOVSKÁ, I. & MILER, T. Plavání.. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2001.
  • ČECHOVSKÁ, I.,MILER, T. Plavání.Praha :Grada Publishing, 2008.. Praha Grada Publishing, 2001. ISBN 80-247-9049-1.
  • Čechovská. Plavání dětí s rodiči. Praha Grada 2002, 2007. ISBN 80-247-0211-8.
  • ERLEBACHOVÁ. Metodika výuky plavání na zvláštních a pomocných školách.. Praha: Tech Market, 1997.
  • GIERHL, J. & HAHN, M. Plavání.. České Budějovice: Kopp, 2000.
  • HOCH, M. Učte děti plavat.. Praha: Olympia, 1991.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester