Course: Trends and performance in sport

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Course title Trends and performance in sport
Course code KTV/77113
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Balkó Štefan, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures: 1. Sports performance and its structure. 2. Individual and team game performance and its indicators. 3. Factors affecting sports performance - general point of view 4. The phenomenon of external conditions and environment and its effect on performance 5. The phenomenon of genetics and its effect on performance 6. The phenomenon of sports training and its effect on performance 7. Issues of diagnostics in sports 8. Qualitative analysis of movement skills - sports performance models. 9. Analysis of sports performance - individual sports 10. Analysis of sports performance - sports games 11. The importance of general sports preparation for sports performance 12. The influence of psychology on sports performance 13. The influence of technique and tactics on sports performance 14. Influence of fitness and somatic factors on performance Seminars: 1. Diagnostics - motor tests. 2. Diagnostics - stress tests. 3. Methods of developing strength abilities. 4. Methods of developing speed skills. 5. Methods of developing selected coordination abilities. 6. Methods of developing endurance skills. 7. Analysis of performance in sports (video evaluation). 8. Determining the level of attention and temperament in a sports environment. 9. Use of information from the results of motor and stress tests into practice. 10. Practical seminar - specific tests in individual sports disciplines. 11. Practical seminar - specific tests in sports games. 12. Practical seminar - specific tests. 13. Modern devices and systems for identifying performance in sports. 14. Final seminar.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to deepen theoretical knowledge about sports training and its practical implementation. The course will provide a deeper illumination of selected topics from the subject Theory of sports training, supplemented by other topics that go beyond the basic idea of improving sports performance.
The student is after the course: - It is oriented in the terminology of sports training. - In a broader context, it can explain the structure of sports performance, the components of sports training and its construction. - Basic knowledge of sport performance and training can be applied in the design of the training plan for the selected a group of people in a chosen sporting discipline. - Able to define the basic principles of developing conditioning factors and can apply these principles in practice. - Able to defend the proposed training plan and can justify the use of the chosen means and methods of developing key mobility skills. - It can use acquired competences to further potential broadening of knowledge and skills in issues.
subject knowledge Fundamentals of sports training

Assessment methods and criteria
80% active participation in seminars, seminar work on a given topic, exam
Recommended literature
  • Bernacíková,M. et al. Fyziologie sportovních disciplín. Brno MU, 2011.
  • DOVALIL, J. aj. Sportovní výkon a trénink ve vyšší nadmořské výšce. Praha Olympia,. 2000.
  • DOVALIL, J. Výkon a trénink ve sportu.. Praha: Olympia, 2000.
  • HAVEL,Z., HNÍZDIL,J., aj. Rozvoj a diagnostika koordinačních a pohyblivostních schopností. 1. vyd. Ústí nad Labem: PF UJEP,2010. s. 65 -77.
  • HAVEL,Z., HNÍZDIL,J., aj. Rozvoj a diagnostika rychlostních schopností.. PF UJEP Ústí nad Labem, 2010.
  • HAVEL,Z., HNÍZDIL,J., aj. Rozvoj a diagnostika silových schopností. Ústí n. L., 2009. Ústí n. L., PF UJEP, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7414-189-8.
  • HNÍZDIL,J., HAVEL,Z., aj. Rozvoj a diagnostika vytrvalostních schopností.1.vyd. Ústí nad Labem: PF UJEP,2012. s .130-137..
  • Kudláček, K. et al. Aplikované pohybové aktivity pro osoby s tělesným postižením. Olomouc, 2007.
  • PERIČ, T. Hry ve sportovní přípravě dětí.Praha: Grada, 2004.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester