Course: Basic gymnastics

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Course title Basic gymnastics
Course code KTV/7318
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kabešová Hana, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Introduction, subject content, aims, principles, instructions about safety factors in P.E. lessons. Basic kinds of gymnastics. Technical terminology, graphical entry. Credit requirements. 2. Aims of Basics Gymnastics (BG). Lesson scheme of BG. Characteristic of locomotion and exercise division according to anatomy and physiology. Introductory part of the lesson (stretching and dynamic part of warming-up). Class arrangement. 3. Right posture. Organization, methods, exercises organising and dosing in BG lesson. Technical preparation. 4. Strengthening, jumping, rotary exercises. Compensatory exercises. Stretching, bodybuilding and relaxation exercises. Climbing. 5. Stretching and introductory exercises (speed, strength, compenzation). Health prevention in P.E. lessons at school. Progress of motoric abilities and of general and special performance efficiency. 6. Motoric testing and their usage (speed, strength, endurance). Final part of the lesson. Relaxation exercises, breath exercises and coordination exercises. 7. Theory of exercises with equipment. Exercises in pairs. Personal achievement checking exercises. 8. Exercise with equipment (rope, short and long skipping rope). Final part - stretching. 9. Exercise with short bars and medicine-balls. Relaxation exercises. 10. Exercise on benches. Exercises on wall bars. Used methods and forms of gymnastics. Circular exercises. 11. Development of deftness, gymnastics games. Circular exercises (especially with small barbelss). Stretching. 12. Applied exercises (walking modification of walking, running, jumping, and climbing bars, ropes, vaulting box, wall bars, and ladders). Assault course. 13. Practical credits revisory exercises. 14. Theoretical credits test from terminology.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the study unit is to provide students with basic knowledge of the applications of basic gymnastics and cultivate a set of skills, experience and habits suitable for the area of physical activities. The content of the study-unit is to acquiaint students with the floor exercise; exercise using different equipments and tools. Practical excercises include exercise used as a sequential. Students will become familiar with elements of acrobatics preparation and its use for various sports. A special emphasis is placed on structure of the lesson.
After passing this subject, the student: - knows the structure of P.E. lesson - can prepare and organize introductory and final part of P.E. lesson - knows many kinds of exercises needed for physical and motoric development - is able to determine physiological effect of gymnastics exercises - can perform the chosen elements of basics gymnastics. - is able to use many skills and knowledge from basic gymnastics. - can use the technical terminology during exercising.
There are no specific requirements.

Assessment methods and criteria
Terminology written test. Leading the beginning and final part of the lesson, to make written preparation (description, picture and physiological influence, number of repetition, mistakes). Personal efficiency (ten). Climbing. Class arrangement. Active participation during lessons.
Recommended literature
  • Alter, J. Science of flexibility.. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics., 1996.
  • Alter, M. J. Strečink - 311 protahovacích cviků pro 41 sportů.. Praha: Grada., 1999.
  • Appelt, K. et. al. Názvosloví pro cvičitele.. Praha: Olympia., 1989.
  • Appelt, K. et al. Základy názvosloví tělesných cvičení.. Praha: ATVS Palestra., 2004.
  • Bursová, M. Kompenzační cvičení.. Praha: Grada., 2005.
  • Hájková, J., & Vejražková, D. Základní gymnastika.. Praha: Karolinum., 2005.
  • Jarkovská, H. & Jarkovská, M. Posilování s vlastním tělem 417krát jinak.. Praha: Grada., 2005.
  • Jarkovská, H., & Wálová, Z. Gymnastika pro moderní ženu.. Praha: Olympia., 1990.
  • Kolektiv autorů. Gymnastika..
  • Kolektiv autorů. Gymnastika.. Praha: Karolinum., 2009.
  • Krištofič, J. Gymnastická průprava sportovce.. Praha: Grada., 2004.
  • Krištofič, J. Kondiční trénink 207 cvičení s medicinbaly, expandery a aerobary. Praha: Grada., 2007.
  • Neuman, J. Cvičení a testy obratnosti, vytrvalosti a síly.. Praha: Grada., 2003.
  • Skopová, M., & Zítko, M. Základní gymnastika.. Praha: Karolinum., 2008.
  • Stackeová, D. Cvičení na bolavá záda.. Praha: Grada., 2012.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester