Course: Dance

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Course title Dance
Course code KTV/71613
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kabešová Hana, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Petrů Dominika, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. History and development of public performances (video presentation). Students' division into work groups, didactic output assignemt (leading the exercises with music), dancing and rhythmical games. 2. Exercising with music without equipment. Video presentation of different shows or motion composition performances. Preparation for personal motor performance theme selection, music selection, equipment selection. Improvization on different kinds of music. 3. Exercising with music with short or long skipping rope . Criterions for motion composition assessment, difficulty elements selection. 4. Exercising with music with ball, gymball, small ball etc. Self-dependent assessment of selected motion compositions according to video records. Technique of exercising and manipulation with selected equipment, pair cooperation, trio and bigger team cooperation. 5. Exercising with music with hoop. Principles application for motion composition integrity, gradation, contrast, repetition, variation. 6. Exercising with music with ribbon, veil etc. Practise of step variations and rhythmical motive. 7. Exercising with music with club and other non-traditional equipment. Practise of motion composition the usage of the space. 8. Circular operation with equipment and music. Practise of motion composition, acrobatic elements, entering and leaving the exercise place, usage of graphical element, presentation preparation. 9. Finishing the motion composition practise. 10. Repetition of collective composition. 11. Demonstration of motion composition. 12. Self-dependent analysis of student´s own motion composition, motion composition assessment of others. 13. Analysis of student´s own motion composition, motion composition assessment of others 14. Finishing the credit requirements.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the study-unit is to familiarize students with the procedures which lead to the practitioner's own creative activity the processing of ideas and experiences on PE, the presentation of various sports in public. Students should acquire knowledge about the physical, musical and choreographic movement composition folder. Practical exercises focus on cultivating the musculoskeletal expression, to acquire new skills and aesthetic experience of music and movement.
After passing this subject the student: - Manages the basic formation and choreography - Understands the realation between music and motion - Can handle the requirements for different motion composition shows in different sport branches (modern gymnastics, TeamGym, Aerobic, etc) - Can use practically all skills and knowledge for leading the gymnast to his/her own creative activity.
Credit in Basic Gymnastics and Rhythmic Gymnastics.

Assessment methods and criteria
Creation of collective composition, public performance, show. Didactic output leading the exercising with music according to instruction. Cooperation during organization and technical arranging of the performance. Active participation in lessons.
Recommended literature
  • Appelt, K. Pohybová skladba v teorii a praxi.. Praha: Ústřední škola ČOS., 1995.
  • Česká gymnastická federace. Mezinárodní pravidla Teamgym 2009 (úpravy 2011).. 2013.
  • Jelínek, S. Základní hudební pojmy.. Praha: Nakladatelství Vladimír Beneš., 1998.
  • Kolektiv autorů. První pomoc. 2015. Praha: Slovart. ISBN 978-80-7391-386-1..
  • Kozáková, Z. Sokolské slety 1882 ? 1948.. Praha: Orbis., 1994.
  • Krausová, A. Pohybová skladba a světové gymnaestrády.. Praha: FTVS UK., 1992.
  • Mezinárodní gymnastická federace. Mezinárodní pravidla Moderní gymnastika 2013 ? 2016 (společné skladby).. 2013.
  • Novotná et. al. Tvorba pohybové skladby.. Praha: ČASPV., 1998.
  • Novotná, V. Pohybová skladba ve školní tělesné výchově.. Praha: Pedagogické centrum, Edice TV., 1995.
  • Novotná, V. Pohybová skladba.. Praha: Karolinum., 1999.
  • Novotná, V. Všeobecná gymnastika v ČASPV.. Praha: ČASPV., 1996.
  • Perčinská, K., & Antošovská, M. Všeobecná gymnastika.. rešov: FHPV PU., 2000.
  • Strnadová, A. Prostorové řešení pohybových skladeb.. Zpráva projektu Fondu rozvoje VŠ č. 863., 1995.
  • Šťastná, D. & Mihule, J. Rytmická gymnastika.. Praha: Olympia., 1993.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester