Course: Physical health education

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Course title Physical health education
Course code KTV/7148
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Pyšná Jana, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Contents of the course: The groups of health impairment - medical groups , objectives and tasks of the medical TV on shaping the quality of health for medically fragile individuals and individuals with chronic illnesses. Noncommunicable diseases and the mechanism of their formation . Risk factors for certain kinds of lifestyle diseases (coronary heart disease , asthma disease vertegrogenní diseases and disorders and defects in the alternative motion system ) . Impairment of the musculoskeletal system - the mechanism of weakening , the risk period during ontogeny , systematization basic types of faults and defects in the alternative motion system. The impact of inadequate physical exercise in the prevention and disorders of the musculoskeletal system - the alternative issue hypokinesis , inadequate or one-sided work and sports physical activities . Physiology and pathophysiology of movement disorders - muscle tone and substance of their physiological , muscle fiber types and their properties, weakened and shortened muscles , the concept of muscle imbalance , impaired locomotor stereotype , postural disorders and motor functions . Faults and defects of the spine in the sagittal plane - kyphotic holding a kyphosis , hyperlordotické possession , possession kyfolordotické , flat back . Faults and defects of the spine in a sagittal plane - possession of scoliosis and scoliosis . Functional disorders of the pelvis - anteversion , retroverzní pelvis , pelvic skew , fixed nutation Basin. Functional relationships between the position of the pelvis, spine and joints of the lower limbs. The weakening of the joints of the lower extremities - vbočená and drifting knees weakened ankle and foot arch . The transverse and longitudinal arch of the foot , foot arch disorders . The weakening of the respiratory system - inflammation of the bronchi ( bronchitis) , bronchial asthma ( bronchial asthma) The weakening of the cardiovascular system - ischemic heart disease , hypertensive disease SUMMARY give psychosomatic disorders and diseases , the correlation between the quality of the somatic and psychological functions . Metabolic disorders - diabetes mellitus , obesity .

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the subject is to familiarize students with the content and organization of health physical education, basic weakening of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive system of humans and create a stack of exercises to weaken selected for use in practice when working with compromised individuals.
Students can organise a lesson of health P.E. for individual health weakening within the methodology rules. Students are able to create a battery of exercises with use of aids and variable conditions according to the lesson content.
Student interest in the topic, basic biomedical subjects (anatomy and physiology).

Assessment methods and criteria
1. Active participation in seminars. 2. Verification of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. 3. Didactic output. 4. Submission of an essay. 5. Credit test.
Recommended literature
  • ADAMÍROVÁ, J. Vyrovnávací cvičení. Praha: ČASPV, 2004.
  • HALADOVÁ, E. a kol. Léčebná tělesná výchova. Praha: Národní centrum ošetřovatelství a nelékařských zdravotnických oborů, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7013-460-3.
  • HOŠKOVÁ, B. Kompenzace pohybem.. Praha: Olympia, 2003.
  • HOŠKOVÁ, B., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M. Kapitoly z didaktiky zdravtní TV. Praha: Karolinum, 2005.
  • KABELÍKOVÁ, K., VÁVROVÁ, M. Cvičení k obnovení a udržení svalové rovnováhy (průprava ke správnému držení těla). 1.vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, 238 s.. 1997.
  • KARÁSKOVÁ, V. Pohybové hrátkypro děti zdravé i postižené.Olomouc: FTK, 2003.
  • KUBÁT, R. Vady a nemoci nohou.. Praha: UK, 1987.
  • KUČERA, M., a kol. Pohyb v prevenci a terapii. Praha: Karolinum, 2002. 1996.
  • KYRALOVÁ, M. & MATOUŠOVÁ, M. Zdravotní tělesná výchova II. část. 1.vyd.Praha : ASPV,1992.. Praha: Onyx, 1996. ISBN 80-85 228-39-4.
  • LEVITOVÁ, A. a HOŠKOVÁ, B. Zdravotně-kompenzační cvičení. Praha: Grada, 2015. ISBN 978-80-247-4836-8.
  • TICHÝ, M. Funkční diagnostika pohybového aparátu.. Praha: Triton, 2000.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester