Course: Finance basics

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Course title Finance basics
Course code KTV/71310
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Bláha Ladislav, doc. PaedDr. Ph.D.
  • Uhman Jiří, Ing. MBA
Course content
Themes of the lessons: 1. Issue of money and amount of active money - Function of banks of issue, the way of issue of money. Monetary aggregates and monetary base. Controls of amount of active money. Inflation and bank rate. Monetarist and Keynesian theories. 2. Bank system - role, function and structure of bank system. Function of merchant and investment banks. Bank products and basic bank operation. 3. Central bank - monetary politics. Function and central bank instruments, its regulation role. Organizational structure of Czech Central Bank. Non-bank financial instituions. 4. Financial market - structure and institutions of financial market. Basic instrumetns of money and capital market. Function of financial agents and their products. 5. Money value in light of time, financial products - money and inflation, nominal and real money value, conversion and prediction. Modern financial products and operations. Electronization of finances. Globalization in finances and Europian problems. 6. Basic importance of corporate finances - function of corporate finances. Goals of facility, its financial sources, problems of insolvency. Forms of corporate capital and principles of its usage for securing the facility. Facility and its surrounding o Facility surrounding: legal setting-up of the facility, Money theories. o Facility expenses: specific classification of expenses, special-purpose classification of expenses, expenses according to the change of output, expenses according to spent inputs, expenses according to facility functions, other types of expenses. o Break-even point o Facility goals and its function o Types of facilities o Life of facility o Organizational construction of facility o Planning of production potecial o Bussiness of facility: purchasing, sales rate - marketing, sales department, personnel work 7. Procuring of investments sources: trade credit, leasing, bank loan, increasing the participation in the capital,capital entrance, capital consolidation. 8. Bank arrangement, central bank, commercial bank, non-bank subjects 9. Capital and financial structure of the facility - analysis of particular items of active capital and principles of their financing throught debts, structure of debts. Forms of short-term assets, principles of financing. 10. Capital and financing of capital investments - realistic and financial investments. Evaluation of investments efficiency. Principles Investments financing and their principles. Depreciation, its principles, construction and importance in financial policy of the company. 11. Basics of financial analysis - importance of financial analysis. Basic indicators of financial health of the facility. Principles of construction of ratio indicators a and range of their usage. 12. Structure of public finances - role and function of public finances in economy. System of public budgets. National budget and territorial budgets. Public funds. Main icomes and expenses of national budget. Problems of its balance. Principles of fiscal policy. Problems of public debt. Budgetary process. 13. Public expenses - social transfers, their forms and importance. Dotations, supports and grants from public budgets and problems of their finality. Principles of project financing. Efficiency of public expenses. Partnership and partcipation. 14. Taxation system - Short characteristics of particular taxes and their importance with respect to incomes to the national budget. Distincion between non taxable incomes and parafiscal. Taxpayer and rate-payer. Tax administration and yield. Students will get to know theory, but the emphasis will be given also on practical application in the form of discussion about actual economical problems.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
  • unspecified - 28 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 60 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 15 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 7 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Students become familiar with Finances as a science. They will also understand the basic concepts of financial science. Students also learn fundamentals of economics and management, with an emphasis on corporate finance. The course will be divided into several parts. In the first part, students study the theoretical bases of the legal status of the business in the Czech Republic (the recodification of the Civil Code) , cost theory, the main areas of business activity. Second part is devoted into different ways of obtaining financial resources of company, in the third block, they recognize the structure and basic principles of operation of the banking system in economy. They will be presented additional circuits and their interaction - public finance, corporate finance and institutional finance - in which students acquire basic knowledge about the sector 's finances and learn the basics of management. Students will be confronted with the current issues of public finances. They will also gain a basic understanding of financial management and control a company, understand basic issues of financial investments, get acquainted with the functions of intermediaries in the financial markets with an emphasis on the banking sector. The exercise will focus on the basics of financial mathematics and decision-making role in the area of current financial issues.
Students will understand basic economical and financial terminology. Students will be able to characterize particular types of facilities. Students will be able to choose the most sufficient way to provide financial source.
Knowledge of social events and public administration in the Czech republic.Basic knowledge of sport and P.E. and system of sport and recreation in the Czech republic.Basic computer skills.Interest in sport financing and sports club management.

Assessment methods and criteria
Requirements for credit: test from basic knowledge of financial maths - importance 100 %. Basic orientation in general economic terminology. Requirements for exam: Seminar paper - importance 30%. Written test of subject knowledge - importance 70 %.
Recommended literature
  • Studijní opora - elek. prezentace: Uhman, J.:
  • BERTL.I. Ekonomika a management neziskových organizací. Ústí n. L. : UJEP PF, 2013..
  • CRAINER, S. Moderní management. Praha: Management Press, 2000..
  • ČERNOHORSKÝ, J., TEPLÝ, P. Základy financí. Praha: Grada, 2011..
  • DONELLY, J. H. Jr. Management. Praha: Grada Publishing a.s., 2004..
  • Drucker, F. P. Drucker na každý den. Praha, Management Press, 2006.
  • HAMENÍKOVÁ B., KUBÁTOVÁ, K. Veřejné finance. Praha: Eurolex Bohemia,2004..
  • HOLMAN, R. Makroekonomie. Středně pokročilý kurz. 2. Vydání. Praha: C.H. Beck, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7179-861-3..
  • HUNČOVÁ, M. Ekonomický rozměr občanské společnosti. Ústí n. L.: UJEP, 2004..
  • KUOBEK, J. Řízení lidských zdrojů. Praha: Management Press, 2007..
  • PALOUČEK, S. Peníze, banky a finanční trhy.Karviná: Slezká univerzita,2000.
  • RADOVÁ, J., DVOŘÁK, P. Finanční matematika pro každého. Praha: Grada, 2005.
  • RŮŽIČKOVÁ, R. Neziskové organizace. Praha: Anag, 2007.
  • Valach, J. a kol. Finanční řízení podniku. Ekopress, Praha, 2003.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester