Course: Martial arts I

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Course title Martial arts I
Course code KTV/7128
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Krnáč Petr, Mgr.
Course content
Theoretical part: o 1. block - Ethics in Resistance exercises, behaviour, safety factors o 2. block - basic resistance exercises (division, history) o 3. block - Rules of selected Sports o 4. block - organization and system management in Resistance exercises competitions. Practical part:: o 5. block - Resistant exercises´Gymnastics, falling technigue. o 6. block - introductory resistant exercises, resitant exercises´games. o 7. block - basics of Judo (posture, Ogoshi) o 8. block - basics of Judo (posture, Osotogari) o 9. block - basics of Judo (ground, holding Kesagatame) o 10. block - basics of Judo (ground, stranglehold, wristlock) o 11. block - basics of Box (posture, motion, knockdowns in box) o 12. block - basics of Box (defence in box) o 13. block - development of motoric abilities for resistant exercises (endurance, speed, strength, flexibility) o 14. block - relaxation

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
  • unspecified - 28 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 6 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 4 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 6 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The aim of the study-unit is to introduce basic resistance excercises techniques in exercise (pressures, pulling, resistance, resistance games) with a stalling technique and selected resistance techniques in exercise. The content of teaching are manily practical activities. Knowledge of the issues should reach such a degree as to enable the use of resistance technique in training or teaching process. The aim is also to equip students with a basic knowledge of the resistance excercises in groups and at various skill levels.
After passing this subject the student: o is able to organize all resistant exercises that were taught, o can define the important points for improving skills in selected resistance exercises. o can prepare and lead the lessons with resistant exercises, o can use skills and knowledge from other resistant exercises´activities, o uses properly gained knowledge according to the participant´s level and skills and spatial conditions. o Knows the basic terminology of resistant exercises, o knows how to perform resistant exercises successfully. o can use the gained competences for further knowledge and skills development in this issue. o can specify the basic skill limits of participants, can provide needed spatial and material conditions for practising resistant exercises. o knows about institutional security for practising resistant exercises. o can describe possibilities how to effect participants for further development of motoric abilities. o can demonstrate selected skills connected with resistant exercises.
Anatomie I., Základní gymnastika.

Assessment methods and criteria
80% active participation during teaching. Accomplishment of following credits requirements. Practical part: Resistant Exercises´ gymnastics - rolls line, falling technigue - demonstration, methodical practise, basic resistance exercises - pressure exercs., pulls, resistance exercs., judo - basic hold-downs - demonstrations, practise technique, box - hits in box, practise technique Theoretical part: History and basic division of resistant exercises, importance of reistant exercises today, ethics, legal regulations in resistant exercises, seminar paper: written preparation for teaching lesson in selected resistant exercises.
Recommended literature
  • JUDO - příručka pro školení trenérů II. a III. třídy.
  • Prvky bojových umění. Praha: Olympia,1999..
  • FOJTÍK, J. Úpoly pro 5. - 8. ročník ZŠ. Praha: SPN, 1990..
  • KRÁL, P. aj. Box učební texty. 1. vyd. Praha: Olympia, 1995..
  • NÁCHODSKÝ, Z. Učebnice sebeobrany pro každého.Praha: Futura. 1992.
  • PULAR, J. Přežití ve městě aneb sebeobrana trochu jinak. Praha, Česká republika: MSBS,1995..
  • REGUJI, Z. Teorie a didaktika úpolu. Brno, Česká republika: MU FSS, 2007..
  • REGULI, Z. Úpolové sporty. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2005..
  • VÍT, M. REGULI, Z. Základy úpolových sportů pro tělesnou výchovu: multimediální učebnice v rámci projektu FRVŠ. Retrieved from
  • WEINMANN, W. Lexikon bojových sporů. Praha: Naše vojsko ,1997.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester