Course: Games Application

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Course title Games Application
Course code KTV/4294
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Bláha Ladislav, doc. PaedDr. Ph.D.
  • Kresta Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Žák Marcel, PaedDr.
  • Balkó Štefan, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures Topics: Common ground and specific areas of sports games 1. Determinants of team playing performance. Methodological and organizational forms and their applications in terms of training or teaching process and the organization of leisure activities for the general gaming population. 2. Application of movement games and its role and potential in the ontogenetic development of man. The use of interdisciplinary relations for the application of gaming activities in liaison with other disciplines (physics, chemistry, biology, and other sciences, languages, culture, ecology, etc..). 3. Applying simple movement games and competitions for the development of selected motor skills in the training process. 4. Playing as a means of education and the development of relations between the participants of the game (fair play, enjoyment, conflict, relationships in the group during the game). 5. Motion gaming within the integrated physical education - use of games in development programs in health and jointly implemented activities by persons with disabilities and intact parts of the population. 6. Game systems, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, the use of gaming systems, depending on the nature of the competition. Determination of the optimal gaming systems according to the conditions imposed for organizing tournaments - the method of calculating the number and order match the number of participants. 7. Specifics of the emerging movement - sports games in the Czech Republic: tennis, badminton, frisbee - ultimate, soft tennis, lacrosse, Interkross, curling, football, target sports games. 8. Specifics of organizing competitions in basketball, streetball, volleyball and minibasketbal, beach volleyball and handball. 9. Specifics of organizing competitions in soccer, futsal, beach soccer, floorball hockey 10. Specifics of organizing competitions in batting games, frisbee, football, Tchoukball 11. Organizing competitions in terms of educational institutions. 12. Organizing competitions in terms of performance and professional sport. 13. Project tournament competition. 14. Panel discussion on the project tournaments or competitions. Seminars and Practicals Topics (part realized in block): 1-3 focuses on the completion of a consultation on projects or implement their own participation in sports competition game at a predetermined level 4-14 content of instruction (also in block arrangement) is own participation and involvement and the acquisition and the acquisition of additional skills and relevant experience of organizing competitions or tournaments under supervisoning teaching the subject. Depending on the nature of the competition, the project or manner is in consultation with the teacher and organizer responsible guarantor (if not directly organizer student). The emphasis is on managing the organizational, procedural aspects of the tournament, filling organizational positions, the tournament and its management, decision-making in individual sports games and evaluation.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim of the study-unit is to provide students with knowledge and practical experience of training or teaching process or organizing leisure activities for the general population, organizing gaming tournaments or sporting events focusing on the game and cultivate their experience, organizational skills, an overview of the preparation and implementation of sports events of various kinds with more participants in different conditions. It is also expected to establish contacts with relevant student sports clubs, clubs, sports associations or non-profit organizations that are engaged in similar actions. Students should gain an overview of the preparation and formulation of regulations, the scheme management tournaments, background organizing tournaments, where should participate as a member of the organizing team or as a referee.The teaching should also get an overview of the level of competition in terms of educational facilities, sports associations for people with disabilities and the intact portion of the population, or sports performance. sports games at the top level.
Learning Knowledge and Outcomes: By the end of the study-unit student will be able to: - Organize traffic in the completed range of games - Decide the game under the current rules, - Organize training unit including adequate preparation of the organism to stress, - Evaluate the implemented training or teaching unit - Prepare, lead training unit containing games - Use the transfer of other physical games and find the connection between them, - Apply variable operation of games with regard to the level of playing skills of participants, spatial and material conditions. - Organizationally prepare and arrange sports events focusing on the game, prepare propositions tournament and possibly organize sub-section of organizational tasks associated with participation in the game the competition. - Respond to changing situations by spatial or other conditions for the organization of the tournament in the game. - Be familiar with basic terminology select games the way they are teaching or learning relevant gaming skills - Define prerequisites for the successful operation of selected games. - Use the acquired skills for possible future expansion of knowledge and skills in the subject. - Specify basic skill levels of participants, determine the necessary spatial and material conditions for the operation of selected games. - Do overview of the institutional security operation selected games. - Describe the possibility of influencing the participants through the operation of games in terms of the development of motor skills, socialization of people like. - Organize a tournament or competition or sports. Guarantee section to organizing major sporting competitions in games or tournaments. - Explain the role of sport plays in contemporary sports movement and the societal context. - Apply findings from research in the field of sports games.
Knowledge and skills of sports and large motor games at the level of graduate in Physical Education and Sports (Bachelor's degree).

Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation in seminars. Credit requirements of the course: - Leading warm-up according to the schedule. - Proper application of decision-making and participation in the organization of teaching. - Development and implementation of methodological and theoretical work output on the selected topic. - Participation in the organization of sporting events on the specified or selected level (ie. Recreational and performance or peak operation). - Positive evaluation of the student's active participation in the event and report of events
Recommended literature
  • Další zdroje.
  • Další zdroje.
  • Další zdroje.
  • Další zdroje.
  • Další zdroje.
  • Bláha, L. Námět k začlenění jedince se zrakovým nebo jiným zdravotním postižením do pohybových her. Tělesná výchova a sport mládeže.. 2010.
  • Bláha, L. Základy provozování vybraných pohybových her.. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J. E. Purkyně, Pedagogická fakulta., 2005.
  • Bláha, L. Základy tchoukballu ? učebnice.. Ústí nad Labem: Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J. E. Purkyně, Pedagogická fakulta., 2009.
  • Buzek, M. Trenér fotbalu ?A? licence UEFA licence 1. Díl - obecné kapitoly.. Praha: UK, 2007.
  • Dobrý, L. & Semiginovský, B. Sportovní hry. Výkon a trénink.. Praha: Olympia., 1988.
  • Dobrý, L., & Velenský, E. Košíková - teorie a didaktika.. Praha: SPN., 1980.
  • Dobrý, L. Didaktika sportovních her.. Praha: SPN., 1987.
  • FAČR. Pravidla fotbalu.. Praha: Olympia., 2013.
  • Jančálek, S., Šafaříková, J., & Táborský, F. Teorie a didaktika házené.. Praha: SPN., 1978.
  • Kolář, P. et al. Sportovní hry ze světa.. Praha: ČASPV., 2004.
  • Kollah, E. Fotbal ? technika a taktika hry.. Praha: Grada., 2006.
  • Kresta, J., & Doboš, M. Analýza pohybové aktivity rozhodčího futsalu v okresních soutěžích. In D. Cihlář & D. Petrů (Eds.), Kinesis, salus, educatio.. Ústí n. L.: PF UJEP., 2012.
  • Kresta, J., & Šmíd, P. Současné poznatky o pohybové aktivitě rozhodčích sportovních her. Kinesis, salus, educatio 2009.. Ústí nad Labem: UJEP., 2010.
  • Kresta, J. et al. Futsal.. Praha: Grada., 2009.
  • Kresta, J., Fousek, P., Stříž, M., & Stejskal, P. Futsal.. Praha: Grada., 2009.
  • Matoušek, J. Teorie a didaktika házené.. Brno: PF MU., 1995.
  • Ondřej, O., Navara, M., & Buzek, M. Teorie a didaktika kopané.. Praha: SPN., 1986.
  • Psotta, R., & Velenský, M. et al. Základy didaktiky sportovních her.. Praha: Karolinum., 2009.
  • Psotta, R., & Velenský, M. Vyučování sportovních her ve školní tělesné výchově: hodnocení různých přístupů. Česká kinantropologie.. 2001.
  • Psotta, R., Bunc, V., & Jíra, M. Učební podmínky a tělesné zatížení v odlišných formách fotbalu u dětí mladšího školního věku. Česká kinantropologie.. 2000.
  • Psotta, R. Fotbal kondiční trénink.. Praha: Grada., 2006.
  • Rychtecký, L., & Fialová, L. Didaktika školní tělesné výchovy.. Praha: UK FTVS., 2007.
  • Süss, V., & Buchtel, J. et al. Hodnocení herního výkonu ve sportovních hrách.. Praha: Karolinum., 2003.
  • Süss, V. Softball a baseball: technika, herní situace, pravidla.. Praha: Grada., 2003.
  • Süss, V. Význam indikátorů herního výkonu pro řízení tréninkového procesu.. Praha: Karolinum., 2006.
  • Šafaříková, J., & Táborský, F. Malá škola házené.. Praha: Olympia., 1986.
  • Táborský, F. Házená.. Praha: ČSH a AŠSK., 2000.
  • Táborský, F. Sportovní hry II.. Praha: Grada., 2005.
  • Táborský, F. Sportovní hry I.. Praha: Grada., 2004.
  • Velenský, M., & Karger, J. Basketbal.. Praha: Grada., 2001.
  • Velenský, M. Basketbal - praktická cvičení pro školní tělesnou výchovu.. Praha: UK., 1994.
  • Velenský, M. et al. Průpravné hry.. Praha: Karolinum., 2005.
  • Velenský, M. Základní program aplikace útočné a obranné činnosti.. Praha: Svoboda., 1992.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Sport and health (A14) Category: Physical education and sport 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Winter