Course: Theory of Outdoor Activities I

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Course title Theory of Outdoor Activities I
Course code KTV/4062
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Louka Oto, PaedDr. CSc.
  • Hnízdil Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Topic of lectures and seminars: 1. Definition and characteristics of basic concepts: kinanthropology (K), physical culture (HM), physical education (TV), sports (S), and recreation movement (PR) and their relation to activities in nature 2. Establishment and development of S, TV, PR. 3. Definition of activity in nature, the scheme can be broken 4. Terminology and basic concepts in activities in nature. Terminological English and German equivalents of the Czech terms 5. General institutional aspects of TV, S, PR, public administration and education in the Czech Republic in relation to activities in nature 6. The institutional structure in sports with an emphasis on activities in nature. 7. Legislative aspects of the operation of activities in nature, basic terminology 8. EU and selected legal aspects (European Charter for Sport., European Charter on Sport for All, etc.) 9. Economics, commercialization, marketing and sponsorship in sport and TV. 10. Ecological aspects of activities in nature. Specificity of the North region in relation to activities in nature 11. Activities in nature curriculum ZŠ a SŠ 12. Presentation issues physical activities in nature, following the inter-overlapping 13. Interdisciplinary spillovers, education and RVP 14. General safety standards for activities in nature and their application in practice, the management actions 15. Organization and management of activities in nature, systematics, an overview of the different specificities 16. Specificity, organization, management, safety - hiking 17. Specificity, organization, management, safety - canoeing, water sports, rafting 18. Canoeing - technology, terrain, rescue, dopomoc 19. Specificity, organization, management, safety - hiking - summer 20. Specificity, organization, management, safety - hiking - winter 21. Specificity, organization, management, safety - cycling 22. Specificity, organization, management, safety - climbing 23. Specificity, organization, management, safety - Guidance sports 24. Specificity, organization, management, safety - Rope barriers and activities 25. Specificity, organization, management, safety - ski disciplines 26. Exercises and games in nature 27. Exercise and play in nature, less well-known activities in the natural environment 28. Selected legal aspects of the operation of sports in nature

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim is to supplement the theoretical knowledge in the field of outdoor sports, while taking advantage of the knowledge already completed exchange instruction.
Students have an overview of the activities in the nature, structure, terminology and technical disciplines can vyvsvětlit essential aspects of outdoor sports and other outdoor activities.
General social survey

Assessment methods and criteria
Presentation seminárního project, the test of the thematic areas probraných activities in nature
Recommended literature
  • GNAD, T. aj. Kapitoly z lyžování 1.vyd.. Praha: Karolinum, 2001. ISBN 80-246-0241-5.
  • HEJL, I. Turistika v horách. Praha: Olympia, 1990. Praha: Olympia, 1990.
  • LOUKA, O. Základy skalního lezení. Ústí n.L., 2012.
  • LOUKA, O., aj. Základy lezení na umělé stěně. 1. vyd. Ústí n. L. UJEP 2005. Ústí n.L.: UJEP, 2005. ISBN 80-7044-592-0.
  • LOUKA, O, aj. Základy turistiky a sportů v přírodě. 2010. ISBN 978-80-7414-302-1.
  • LOUKA,O. aj. Snowboarding. Praha. Grada.2007 148s. ISBN 978-80-2471378-6..
  • NEUMAN, J. Dobrodružné hry a cvičení v přírodě.Praha: Portál, 1998. Praha: Portál, 1998.
  • NEUMAN, J. Překážkové dráhy, lezecké stěny a výchova prožitkem. 1. vyd. Praha : Portál, 312 s. ISBN 80-7178-292.
  • NOSEK, M., VALTER,L., LOUKA, O. Instruktor lyžování. Učební texty. Ústí nad Labem: UJEP. PF, KTV, 2005. Ústí n.L.: KTV PF UJEP , 2009. ISBN 80-7044-705-2.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Physical Education and Sport (A14) Category: Physical education and sport 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Winter