Course: Fundamentals of Methodology in Kinantropology

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Course title Fundamentals of Methodology in Kinantropology
Course code KTV/4031
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Bláha Ladislav, doc. PaedDr. Ph.D.
  • Hnízdil Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Science and philosophy, historical development of science, scientific paradigms, research and basic research methods specification. Integration of kinatropology into scientific branch. Kinathropology ranges. Top-level sport, performances sports, physical education, recreational physical education research ranges in kinathropology. 2. Basic characteristics of qualification work. Work Structure of experimental and non-experimental character. Descriptional research and historical research. Research preparation and organization. Research stages. Qualitative and Quantitative research. 3. Research ranges in kinathropology. Specification of research problem. Informational preparation of the research. Work with sources, literary sources, technical journals, electronic sources, other sources. 4. Quantitative research. Specification of the issues, scientific questions, variables, hypotheses. Hypothesis construciton, golden rules of hypotheses. 5. Group selection types of groups, proband, respondent. Basic characteristics of the groups. 6. Methods of quantitative research observation. Problems of measurement. Contentual analysis. 7. Experimental method. Problem of experiment. Experiment by Solomon. 8. Questionaire. Construction of questionnaire, basic characteristics of this research method. Scaling. 9. Validity, reliability. Possibilites of questionnaire and calculation of its reliability. 10. Interview advantages and disadvantages of interview in comparison with questionnaire research method. 11. Qualitative research its characteristics and methods. Casuistries. 12. Ethics aspects of scientific research, ethic work with sources. Etics aspects of work with research abonents. Author´s quotations. 13. Formulation of the title and important chapters of the work and conclusions. Recommendation for writing the qualification work (its composition and construction of discussions, conclusions and recommendation). Drawing attention to relation of selected chapters and work completion with quoted sources, documents, enclosures etc. 14. Credit test. Studium je rozděleno do bloků. Zcela v rámci samostudia se samostatně probírá téma č. 1 a výpočty reliability. Pouze s upozorněním na vybrané pasáže se realizují témata č. 2, 3, 6, 7, 10. Ke studiu slouží množství studijních materiálů v písemné nebo elektronické podobě. Na stránkách KTVS PF UJEP a ve studovně jsou k dispozici učební texty a CD. Student absolvuje stejné zápočtové požadavky s odlišnostmi v účasti na výuce. Obsahem společných konzultací jsou vybrané problémy, které lze samostudiem řešit obtížněji. Prezentují se některé problémy praktické diagnostiky. Studijní opory k tématu jsou umístěny na Některá témata lze studovat z veřejně dostupných zdrojů: Metody výzkumu: Výzkumné metody: el/6410/leto2010/EQ_B_BSe/um/Blok_4_-_Metody_vedecke_prace_pro_zpracovani_ZP__Stylizace_textu.pdf. Kontakt na vyučujícího je uveřejněn na webových stránkách pracoviště nebo

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The study-unit is focused on the acquisition of knowledge about the research work in the field of kinantropology. The base is familiar with the structure of the research projects, an overview of empirical and theoretical research methods, the choice of research files, the method of formulating hypotheses and critical assessment of phenomena. Working with databases and other expert sources. The course is intended as a basis for adequate method of designing a solution to the thesis. There should also be a presentation of the fundamental problems of static data processing and critical assessment in relation to the measured reality. The aim of study-unit is the provision of basic knowledge on the role of research and particularly the adoption of logical, scientific problem solving in kinantropologie. Students will learn the basics of design research investigations with the standards for working with professional resources and practice formal editing scientific reports.
After passing this subject the student: - Knows the basic information about kinathropological research. - Can characterize basic structures of scientific work. - Can define the key characteristic of particular part of qualification work. - Can use the basic qualitative and quantitiative research methods. - Can find the technical sources connected with specific issue and find that kind of source, which can be considered as the crucial one. - Can use the critical thinking while using the sources. Can find the crucial information and determine the key words. - Is orientated in basic problems while using some of the research methods (especially experiment, questionnaire, and interview). - Can recognize imperfection of formulated hypothesis, can choose respondets or probands in advance defined conditions. - Can use the gained competences for further knowledge and skills development in these issues. - Uses the technical sources in conformity with ethics aspects of scientific work. - Is able to analyse examples of research and evaluate their difficulties or weak points. - Can deduce necessary conclusions from technical sources. - Can quote according to the norm ČSN ISO 690, or possibly according to the norm APA.

Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation during lessons. Passing the theoretical test connected with given issues. These issues are presented in the lectures. The student should discuss about these issues and work with presentations.
Recommended literature
  • Blahuš, P. K systémovému pojetí statistických metod v metodologii empirického výzkumu chování.. Praha: Karolinum., 1996.
  • Blahuš, P. K úloze tzv. kvantitativních metod v kinantropologii. Česká kinantropologie.. 1997.
  • Boldis, P. Bibliografické citace - Část 2: Elektronické dokumenty nebo jejich části.. 2004.
  • Boldis, P. Bibliografické citace.. 2004.
  • Disman, M. Jak se vyrábí sociologická znalost.. Praha: Karolinum., 1993.
  • Ferjenčík, J. Úvod do metodologie psychologického výzkumu.. Praha: Portál., 2000.
  • Gavora, P. Úvod do pedagogického výzkumu.. Brno: Paido., 2000.
  • Hendl, J. Kvalitativní výzkum.. Praha: Portál., 2005.
  • Hendl, J. Přehled statistických metod zpracování dat.. Praha: Portál., 2004.
  • Hendl, J. Úvod do kvalitativního výzkumu.. Praha: Karolinum., 1997.
  • Chráska, M. Metody pedagogického výzkumu.. Praha: Grada., 2010.
  • Kerlinger, F. N. Základy výzkumu chování.. Praha: Academia., 1972.
  • Maňák, J., & Švec, V. Cesty pedagogického výzkumu. Brno: Paido., 2004.
  • Miovský, M. Kvalitativní přístup a metody v psychologickém výzkumu.. Praha: Grada., 2006.
  • Pelikán, J. Základy empirického výzkumu pedagogických jevů.. Praha: Karolinum., 2004.
  • Petrů, D., Cihlář, D., Novotný, F., & Pyšný, L. Jak psát závěrečné práce na KTVS PF UJEP.. Ústí nad Labem: KTVS PF UJEP., 2012.
  • Spousta, V. et al. Vádemékum autora odborné a vědecké práce.. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta., 2003.
  • Thomas, J. R., & Nelson, J. K. Research methods in physical activity.. Champaing, IL: Human Kinetics., 1996.
  • Thomas, J. R., Nelson, J. K., & Silverman, S. J. Research methods in physical activity.. Champaing, IL: Human, 2011.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Physical Education and Sport (A14) Category: Physical education and sport 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer