Course: Didactics of Primary School Education

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Course title Didactics of Primary School Education
Course code KPR/Q932
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Brtnová-Čepičková Ivana, doc. PaedDr. Ph.D.
  • Šikulová Renata, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Introduction. Introduction to the teaching program, recommended literature and requirements for completion of the course. 2. Objectives of education in primary school in pedagogical documents, innovative tendencies, teacher's work with objectives and expected outcomes. 3. Implementation of the content of education in school practice, curriculum development (curricula, curricula, textbooks, curriculum and learning tasks), Framework educational program for basic education. Innovative educational programs: VP Start together, VP Healthy school, etc. 4. Integration of curriculum content in primary school. 5. Activity and experiential orientation of teaching. 6. Acquisition of conceptual systems in teaching and their use. 7. Specifics of teaching methods in primary school. 8. Specifics of teaching methods in primary school - applications. 9. Current approaches to primary school pupil assessment. 10. School achievement, causes of failure, work with an unsuccessful pupil in primary school. 11. Organizational forms of teaching? their specifics on the 1st st. ZŠ. 12. Project teaching and its possibilities. 13. The personality of the teacher in teaching and preparation for teaching. 14. Evaluation of teaching and seminar work. Study support available from:; Entrance for guests; password - host

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes

The student is familiar with basic curricular documents, prepares and implements teaching as a system of each other dependent categories (goal, content, methods, means, forms, conditions), controls a sufficient range of motivational, exposure, fixation and evaluation procedures, creates opportunities for the application of what has been learned in practical situations. Formulates specific expected outcomes per lesson, sets criteria for evaluation, designs lessons lesson with emphasis on active activity of pupils

Assessment methods and criteria
1. Active participation in the seminar (1000%) and fulfillment of ongoing tasks. 2. Elaboration of seminar work according to instructions. Compliance assignment. 3. Exam from the subject (areas for the exam correspond to the content of the subject).
Recommended literature
  • GRECMANOVÁ, H.; URBANOVSKÁ, E. Podporujeme aktivní myšlení a samostatné učení žáků. Olomouc: Hanex, 2000..
  • KREJČOVÁ, L. Žáci potřebují přemýšlet.
  • NELEŠOVSKÁ, A., SPÁČILOVÁ, H. Didaktika primární školy. Olomouc: UP PedF, 2005.
  • SKALKOVÁ , J. Obecná didaktika.. Praha: ISV, 1999. ISBN 80-85866-33-1.
  • ŠIKULOVÁ, R. Didaktika primární školy.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester