Course: Didactics of Natural Sciences Basis I

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Course title Didactics of Natural Sciences Basis I
Course code KPR/Q853
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Brtnová-Čepičková Ivana, doc. PaedDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Importance of science curriculum. Science curriculum and its characteristics in curricular documents (FEP ZV). 2. Educational area Man and his world, educational content and outputs. 3. The teacher's concept of teaching subjects about nature and society (diagnostics of his own concept, as a prerequisite for change). 4. Competence of a teacher of science-oriented subjects. 3. Active construction of student knowledge in science teaching. Children's concepts and their diagnostics. Constructivist teaching. 4. Use of motivation and activation of students in initial science teaching. Process, types and essence of motivation in science teaching. Activating teaching methods. 5. Field teaching in science teaching. Walks and excursions, possibilities of their realization, possible pitfalls. 6. Integrated teaching. Integrated curriculum and integrated thematic teaching. Use of concept and mind maps. 7. Teaching design using didactic analysis of the curriculum. Conceptual and relational, operational and interdisciplinary analysis analysis. 8. Determining the goals of thematic units, topics, lessons. Formulation of objectives of general, specific and partial tasks together with the conditions for their fulfillment and the standard of the pupil's performance 9. Methodical and factual analysis of selected content units of contemporary science - astronomy curriculum. 10. Methodical and factual analysis of selected content units of contemporary science - physical curriculum (quantities). 11. Development of key competencies of students in the field of education. 12. Implementation of cross-sectional topics in the teaching of subjects in the field of education Man and his world. 13. Development of key competencies of students in the field of education 14. Presentation of the course of study of the subject - presentation of the student's portfolio.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
During the preparation, the student should acquire such competencies that will allow him to detach himself from the mere presentation of the curriculum in textbooks and help him to create lessons in which knowledge will be combined into meaningful ones units in which students themselves (through their own active learning activities) will discover facts, contexts and generalizations. Methodologically, lectures and seminars are designed so that the student gains experience with different concepts of teaching and s different teaching strategies. The course is also based on interactive methods and teamwork of students. The attention is also devoted to various concepts of curriculum design, organizational forms, methods of work, selection of appropriate motivations, aids, evaluation of students, the possibilities of using didactic and computer technology.
The student will understand the content and place of science in curricular documents; formulates the main and partial goals science teaching, acquire professional terminology; knows and applies appropriate teaching methods and appropriate organizational forms with regard to teaching objectives; understands the basic laws, relationships and contexts of science curriculum and is able to adequately reflect the general requirements of curricular documents in practice due to the age of students activities (in curriculum planning, preparation for lessons and walks, in projects, etc.); uses adequately different didactic means for teaching science, is able to choose them appropriately and in some cases their own creation (eg presentations, video demonstrations, photographs, diagrams, worksheets, etc.), implements cross-sectional teaching topics; integrates knowledge from different scientific disciplines; can use the educational value of science curriculum.

Assessment methods and criteria
Credit will be awarded for the processing of the subject portfolio. The condition of the credit is attendance in a predetermined amount (minimum 80%).
Recommended literature
  • BÍLEK, M., RYCHTERA, J., SLABÝ, A. Konstruktivismus ve výuce přírodovědných předmětů.. UP Olomouc, 2008. ISBN 978-80-244-1882-7.
  • Brtnová Čepičková, I. Didaktika přírodovědného základu..
  • JANČAŘÍKOVÁ, K. Didaktické přístupy k přírodovědnému vzdělávání předškolních dětí a mladších žáků. UK Praha, 2019. ISBN 978-80-7603-051-0.
  • PODROUŽEK, L. Didaktika prvouky a přírodovědy pro primární školu. Dobrá Voda: Vydavatelství Aleš Čeněk,, 2003. ISBN 80-86473-37-6.
  • SKÝBOVÁ, J. Vybrané kapitoly z didaktiky přírodovědné části prvouky a přírodovědy: pro učitelství prvního stupně.. UK Praha, 2007.
  • ŠIMIK, O. Utváření obsahu přírodovědné výuky na 1. stupni ZŠ v konstruktivistickém pojetí - výzkum tematického celku voda.. PF OU, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7464-223-4.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester