Course: Ethical Education

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Course title Ethical Education
Course code KPR/Q163
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 1
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Šlégl Jiří, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1) Introductory lesson - introduction to credit requirements, recommended literature. 2) Introduction to ethical issues as an attempt at practical philosophy. 3) Ethics as an independent philosophical discipline. 4) The threefold model of freedom and ethical education. 5) Decision making and responsibility as part of ethics education. 6) Happiness and bliss in ethical education. 7) The idea of the good and ethical realism. 8) Moral sense and ethical education. 9) Intergenerational relations (ageism) and ethical education. 10) The last things of man (death) and ethical education. 11) The meaning of human existence as an ethical problem. 12) Suffering and illness in ethical education. 13) Ethics, man and institution. Ethical education as a subject of teaching in Czech schools.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The course should become an introduction to the basic philosophical problems of ethics. One of the aims will be to lead future teachers to culture of moral consciousness, feeling and action, as well as to orientation in the problematic plurality of our time, given the general valid natural principles of morality. On the one hand, the course will systematically introduce the main themes of general ethics (the relationship between knowledge and desire, the relationship between morality and morality, good and evil, external and internal freedom, conscience, moral law, dignity of man and fundamental human rights), on the other hand, it will provide a basic historical overview of important ethical theories and their argumentative procedures from ancient Greece to the present day (Sophistry, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, ancient hedonism, Christian ethics, utilitarianism, Kant, existentialist ethics, discourse ethics, and communication, ethics of responsibility, analytical ethics). However, it should not be a mere gallery of diverse views on ethical problems in history and the present, but above all to highlight the importance of these diverse ethical solutions for contemporary man, who is deeply affected by ethical issues. It is not, therefore, primarily about history itself, but about to the problems and possibilities of human existence for us as heirs and bearers of European culture. The emphasis will be on linking the theoretical knowledge of ethics with its practical application in ethics education classes.


Assessment methods and criteria
Continuous completion of assigned tasks and writing a credit test.
Recommended literature
  • Bible.
  • Anzenbacher, A. Úvod do etiky, Praha. 1994.
  • Anzenbacher, A. Úvod do etiky. Praha, 1994.
  • Arendtová H. O násilí. Praha, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7298-464-0.
  • Arendtová, H. Původ totalitarismu I-III. Praha. 1996.
  • Bonhoeffer, D. Etika. (1. vydání). Praha: Kalich, 2007. ISBN 80-7021-081-8.
  • Havlíková, D., Drábková, B., Vymětal, J. Etická výchova: pro 2. stupeň ZŠ a odpovídající ročníky víceletých gymnázií.. Plzeň: Fraus, 2013.
  • Jankovský, J. Etika pro pomáhajíci profese. Praha, 2003.
  • Kolektiv autorů. Na cestě etickou výchovou.. Praha: Etické fórum ČR, 2005.
  • KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Pozitivní psychologie.. Praha: Portál, 2004. ISBN 80-7178-835.
  • LENCZ, L., Křížová, O. Etická výchova - metodický materiál 1., 2., 3.. Praha: Luxpress, 2003.
  • Lencz, L., Křížová, O. Etická výchova - metodický materiál 1.. Praha: Luxpress, 2000.
  • Machovec, M., Slunečko, V. Filosofie tváří v tvář zániku. (2. vydání). Praha: Akropolis, 2006.
  • Nováková, M. a kol. Učíme etickou výchovu.. Praha: Luxpress, 2006.
  • Olivar, R., R. Etická výchova. Bratislava: Orbis Pictus, 1992.
  • Příkaský, J., V. Učebnice základů etiky. Kostelní Vydří: Karmelitánské nakladatelství, 2000.
  • Semrádová, I. Etika - přehled etických teorií (3. vydání). Hradec Králové, 2005.
  • Semrádová, I. Etika - přehled etických teorií (4. vydání). Hradec Králové, 2009.
  • Sokol, J. Etika a život. Pokus o praktickou filozofii.. Praha, 1993. ISBN 978-80-7429-056-5.
  • Sokol, J. Filosofická antropologie. Praha, 2002.
  • Thompson, M. Přehled etiky. Praha, 2004.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester