Course: Technical Creative Activities

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Course title Technical Creative Activities
Course code KPR/Q125
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Janovec Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Technical literacy. Practical activities in kindergarten. Psychomotor learning. Basic characteristics of psychomotor skills. Issues of training new activities. 2. Classification of technical materials for practical activities in kindergarten. An overview of basic techniques and technologies of working with them. Basic physical and mechanical properties of technical materials. Trends in the use of materials. 3. Paper. Principle, history and present of paper production. Paper properties. Types and formats of papers. 4. Design work with paper. Cutting, bending and gluing paper. Paper puzzles and models. 5. Working with paper. Laminating. Napkin technique - decoupage. 6. Modeling materials. Types and production of modeling materials. Casting materials. Dough. Work techniques for working with modeling and casting materials. 7. Plastics, history and principles of their production. Division of plastics. Properties of plastics. Environmental aspects of the use of plastics. 8. Technology of work with plastics. Plastic product. 9. Textile materials. Distribution and processing of textile fibers. Woven and non-woven fabrics. Types and uses of textiles. 10. Working techniques in working with textiles. Work with flat and length textiles. Woven textile product. 11. Folk crafts. Customary subjects and their production. Work with small natural material. Advent wreath. Easter egg. 12. Wood and its processing. Types of wood. Wooden semi-finished products. Agglomerated wooden materials. Work techniques for working with wooden semi-finished products. Line cut. Wood product. 13. Metallic materials. History and use of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Metal semi-finished products. Working with metal semi-finished products. Wirework and extrusion. Metal product.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The course prepares students to lead the practical activities of preschool children so that they can create a basic relationship with children to manual activity and its results, cultivate the necessary free qualities and equip them with practical knowledge, skills and habits. The introduction of the course is devoted to technical literacy and general properties of technical materials and their distribution. Furthermore, the course deals with the basic types of technical materials with a focus on their use in the field of practical activities. Significant are practical seminars devoted to the manufacture of products, where emphasis is placed not only on the theoretical mastery of the curriculum but also on its practical application.
Student is able to apply the acquired knowledge of technology in their own practical activities, knows the basic technical materials and masters the technology of working with them. The student knows the laws of learning psychomotor skills. The student adheres to the principles of occupational safety and health. The student demonstrates creativity in choosing suitable work topics, taking into account the age and abilities of children. The student recognizes the basic types of technical materials and has an overview of their use in kindergarten. The student has an overview of technologies and techniques of processing technical materials. The student knows the principles of production of common subjects from the wider environment of kindergarten.
The course does not require specific prerequisites.

Assessment methods and criteria
1. Successful completion of the credit test (success rate 50 %). 2. Submission of six practical seminar papers.
Recommended literature
  • BARFFOVÁ, U., BURKHARDTOVÁ, I. Velká kniha pro malé mistry I a II. Praha: IKAR, 1996.
  • ČÁP, J. Senzomotorické učení a senzomotorické dovednosti. Psychologie pro učitele.. Praha: Portál, 2001. ISBN 80-7178-463-X.
  • Honzíková, J. Materiály pro pracovní činnosti na 1. stupni ZŠ. Plzeň, 2006. ISBN 80-7043-453-8.
  • JANOVEC, Jan. Technické materiály v primárním a preprimárním vzdělávání. Ústí nad Labem, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7414-596-4.
  • KOŽUCHOVÁ, M. Elementárna technická výchova detí preškolského a mladšieho školského veku. Předškolní a primární pedagogika.. Praha: Portá, 2001. ISBN 80-7178-585-7.
  • Stančík, L., Dlask, J. Technické práce. PF, Ústí n. L.. 1989.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester