Course: Didactics of Agricultural and Technical Works I

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Course title Didactics of Agricultural and Technical Works I
Course code KPR/7954
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Janovec Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Raw materials, materials, semi-finished product and the product. Classification of technical materials. Physical and mechanical properties of engineering materials. Trends in the use of technical materials. 2. Ferrous metals. Production of pig iron and steel. History and use of ferrous metals. Non-ferrous metals, their history and use. Metal blanks. 3. Working with metal blanks. Wiring. Product of metal. 4. Wood and its processing. Types of wood. Wooden blanks. Agglomerated wood. 5. Technology of work with wood blanks. Carving. Product of wood. 6. Plastics, history and principles of their production. Classification of plastics. Properties of plastics. Ecological aspects of the use of plastics. 7. Technology of work with plastics. Product of plastic. 8. Textile materials. Producing and processing of textile fibres. Woven and nonwoven fabrics. Types and use of textiles. 9. Technology of work with textiles. Working with planar and linear fabrics. Fabric product. 10. Paper. History and the present of paper production. Types and sizes of paper. 11. Construction work with paper. The cardboard beams. Paper models. 12. Modelling clay. Types and production of modelling masses. Casting materials. Dough. 13. Technology of work with modelling masses. 14. Use of small natural material. Customary subjects and their production.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The course is key to the education of future teachers in the field of education Man and the World of Work FEP in primary education. The course fulfills the role of education in the psychomotor field related to practical activities, while it is designed so that the knowledge, practical and creative components are balanced. The course is followed by the course Didactics of Agricultural and Technical Works II, while both courses are completed by a joint exam in the summer semester. The content of the course is focused on the fields of Work with Small Material and Construction Activities of the educational area Man and the World of Work FEP in primary education. The introduction is devoted to the general properties of technical materials and their distribution. Furthermore, the course focuses on the basic types of technical materials with emphasis on their use in practical activities. Significant are practical seminars devoted to the manufacture of products, where emphasis is placed not only on the theoretical mastery of the curriculum but also on its practical application.


Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation for min. 80% of lessons. Elaboration of practical seminar works. Successful completion of credit tests (success rate min. 50 %).
Recommended literature
  • Barffová, U.; Burkhardtová, I. Velká kniha pro malé mistry I a II. Praha: IKAR, 1996.
  • Honzíková, J. Materiály pro pracovní činnosti na 1. stupni ZŠ. Plzeň, 2006. ISBN 80-7043-453-8.
  • HONZÍKOVÁ, J. Pracovní činnosti na 1. st. ZŠ.
  • JANOVEC, Jan. Technické materiály v primárním a preprimárním vzdělávání. Ústí nad Labem, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7414-596-4.
  • KOCIÁNOVÁ, Ludmila. Praktické činnosti pro 1.-5. ročník základních škol.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester