Course: Repetitorium - Mathematics with Didactics

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Course title Repetitorium - Mathematics with Didactics
Course code KPR/7905
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Chytrý Vlastimil, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Logic, thinking, basics of mathematics and logic 2. Sets and work with them. 3. Occurrence of sets at the 1st stage of elementary school. Geometry as a set of points in E2 and E3 4. Arrangement, display, functions 5. Numerical fields, natural, integer and rational numbers, real numbers 6. Identical representations in the plane and in space 7. Word problems, Diophantine equations 8. Axiomatic system and history of mathematics (Proofs of sentences, algorithm, counting on abacus, counting with Roman numerals?) 9. The most common shortcomings in the Final Examination in Mathematics with Didactics Part 1. 10. The most common shortcomings in the SZZ in Mathematics with Didactics Part 2. 11. The most common shortcomings in SZZ from Arithmetic with didactics part 1. 12. The most common shortcomings in SZZ from Arithmetic with didactics part 2. 13. The most common shortcomings in SZZ from Geometry with didactics part 1. 14. The most common shortcomings in SZZ from Geometry with didactics part 2.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The subject Repetitorium k SZZ - Mathematics with Didactics should complete and consolidate the study of mathematics in the field. At this time, students of the field have completed all pedagogical internships and are preparing for the SZZ. Exercises should combine the knowledge gained from the study and teaching skills from pedagogical practices. In the exercises, students (and students) should acquire competencies to solve, change and create mathematical problems related to teaching at the first and second stage of elementary school. Within the course, students will focus not only on the application of knowledge from practice, but also on the repetition of critical points in the teaching of mathematics in their studies. In this way, the preparation for the SZZ in Mathematics with Didactics will also take place.
The student can: - describe basic concepts, - work with sets, - define numerical fields, - analyze the complexity of questions in SZZ
The subject requires no specific prerequisites.
KPR/7941 and KPR/7960 and KPR/7980

Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation in seminars, credit test.
Recommended literature
  • Bělík M., Svoboda J. Binární operace pro studium učitelství 1. stupně základní škol-ky, Pedagogická fakulta UJEP, Ústí n.L..
  • Divíšek J. a kol. Didaktika matematiky pro učitelství 1. stupně ZŠ. Praha, 1989.
  • HEJNÝ, M., KUŘINA, F. Dítě, škola a matematika, Portál, Praha, 2001.
  • Melichar J. Utváření a rozvoj klíčových kompetencí-Matematika a její aplikace, Pedagogické centrum. Ústí nad Labem, 2007.
  • 1989. Geometrie s didaktikou, učební text pro studium učitelství 1. stupně ZŠ, UJEP 2007. Ústí nad Labem, 2007. ISBN 987-80-7044-875-5.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester