Course: Czech Language II - Syntax

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Course title Czech Language II - Syntax
Course code KPR/4706
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Mitter Patrik, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Subject of songs, basic professional literature. Sentence and utterance. Sound page testimony. 2. Communication and its components. Communication functions and their dismissal notice form. Subjective third speaker's attitude to the content of the notice. 4th Modality nutnostní and voluntativní. Positive and negative sentences. 5. The concept of predicate in traditional and valence syntax. Predicate verb, verb-noun, elidovaný, name, folded. Valence. Sixth sentence structure. Basis sentences (PSO) minimum sentence. Grammatical and semantic aspect of a sentence. 7th word and sentence. Sentence elements, syntactic and semantic relationships grammatical, syntactic couple words not entering the compositional relationships. 8th The subject lexically expressed a lexically unexpressed. 9th subject and its grammatical and semantic characteristics. Adverbial, its semantics and grammatical form. Instead complement system sentence elements. 10th qualifier in terms of meaning and formal. Types attribute. Outbuilding and its semantics. 11th Complex sentences: grammatical and semantic page sentence, types of sentences. 12th complex sentence: classification of subordinate clauses. Complex sentences coordinate 13th. 14th punctuation in a sentence and in simple sentences.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim of this course is to consolidate the foundations of Czech syntax and remove or clarify deficiencies and provide students with the necessary syntactic basis for teaching the Czech language. Following high school curriculum, the student is introduced to selected topics of valence syntax that can be used at primary school.
Specialized skills - The student demonstrates the ability to observe the syntactic aspect of language, identify and correctly term, identify and analyze the syntactic units - Student is able to think logically and accurately and clearly formulate relevant conclusions from the observed phenomena - Controls the literary standard syntax, applies it in its linguistic expression and doesn't make mistakes in punctuation. Specialist knowledge - Student is able to define and to describe the phenomena of Czech syntactic system, - Student understands the differences between units and communication system - Student can recognize syntactic deficiencies, explain their causes and correct them - Student can distinguish stylistic differentiation of syntactic devices and consult their usage
The subject requires no specific prerequisites.

Assessment methods and criteria
100% participation
Recommended literature
  • Grepl, M. - Karlík, P. Učte se s námi skladbě češtiny. Praha 1992, Olomouc. 2000.
  • Grepl, M./Karlík, P. Skladba češtiny.. Olomouc: Votobia., 1998.
  • Havránek, B. - Jedlička, A. Stručná mluvnice česká. Praha. 1998.
  • Martinová, O., Brabcová, R. Malý slovník jazykovědných termínů. Praha: PF UK, 1998.
  • Novotný, J. Sbírka úkolů k rozboru souvětí. Praha. 1992.
  • Styblík, Vl., Čechová, M, Hauser, P., Hošnová, E. Základní mluvnice českého jazyka. Praha: SPN, 2004.
  • Zimová, L. Cvičení a úkoly ze skladby. Ústí n.L., 2001.
  • ZIMOVÁ, L. Obtížnější jevy syntaktického rozboru. I. díl. Ústí n. L: UJEP v Ústí n. L..

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Teaching in Primary Schools (A14) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Summer