The student is trained in using the electronic databank of the Czech National Corpus and InterCorp to study, practice and investigate lingistically Czech language. A comparison with his mother tongue is possible for all EU languages and for the most of the other languages of Europe. The course is an additional support of Czech language courses for foreign students wit the introduction and use of the Czech National Corpus (CNC) for educational purposes with a number of practical exercises on Czech grammar and vocabulary. Besides this, students will learn how to use the large number of functions of the corpus. They will analyze and learn by themselves the appearance, use, and collocation of various lexical units (word and phrases). The course is useful for students from all faculties , as well as for future translators and interpreters , teachers, sociologists and political science students and scholars, and for everyone who enjoys working with real data, represented by language. The full versions of various CNC corpora based on contenporary Czech language, as well as some other electronic programs and applications are used at seminars.
CNC - Documentation and Manual.
Korpusová lingvistika a čeština.
ČERMÁK, F. InterCorp: A Contribution to Interlinguistics.
ČERMÁK, F. Language Corpora: The Czech Case. - In Text, Speech and Dialogue.
ČERMÁK, F., SCHMIDTOVÁ, V. The Czech National Corpus Project: Its Structure and Use.